Blackwater guru
Fish Fanatic
So I just came home from high school today anticipating a week away from school but instead was I shocked to find two of my 10 silver tip tetras suffering from lock jaw with one of them constantly swimming at the surface as if gasping for air.
I promptly made a 15 % water change and I will do this everyday for a week in my 145 l freshwater aquarium to help my poor fish get better and I will also add tannins in the form of either roibos tea or freshly picked oak leaves because tannins do have antibacterial properties that can help sick fish.
When I am away my dad usually does a water change once a week but he admitted to forgetting to do it this time around , I explained to him that poor water conditions can indeed cause lockjaw and we agreed that it was the cause.
This is my first time as an aquarist seeing a fish get sick in my aquarium ever since I set it up during early January this year so I am learning from it and I had barely heard of lock jaw or even seen it myself in person until now.
What I am most fear at the moment is that the disease will start to affect my 15 wild caught cardinal tetras who are one of my oldest and most beloved inhabitants.
I am also thinking of making a brief YouTube video on my channel Axelrodi mansion explaining what has happened and updating day for day on the recovery progress.
I promptly made a 15 % water change and I will do this everyday for a week in my 145 l freshwater aquarium to help my poor fish get better and I will also add tannins in the form of either roibos tea or freshly picked oak leaves because tannins do have antibacterial properties that can help sick fish.
When I am away my dad usually does a water change once a week but he admitted to forgetting to do it this time around , I explained to him that poor water conditions can indeed cause lockjaw and we agreed that it was the cause.
This is my first time as an aquarist seeing a fish get sick in my aquarium ever since I set it up during early January this year so I am learning from it and I had barely heard of lock jaw or even seen it myself in person until now.
What I am most fear at the moment is that the disease will start to affect my 15 wild caught cardinal tetras who are one of my oldest and most beloved inhabitants.
I am also thinking of making a brief YouTube video on my channel Axelrodi mansion explaining what has happened and updating day for day on the recovery progress.