Location Of Powerheads


Fish Fanatic
Nov 13, 2005
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I have a 30 gallon tank with 30 kilos of live rock on a sand bed. I have the powerheads hidden within the live rock and have had good corraline growth but have a couple of dead areas where waste builds up. Would it be better if the powerheads were attached onto the sides of the tank giving better flow and coverage or as they are now.

As they are now hides them and makes tank more natural looking but I'm a bit concerned about not getting movement to all of the tank. For reference I have 3 Maxijet powerheads and also two Hydo heaters which also have a circulation pump.

Many thanks for the replies.

PS Would love to add picture, but cant seem to get the attachment facility working, asks for a url (which I dont have) and cant seem to cut and paste. Apprciate the IT help
to get a picture on the forum - register an account with photobucket (it's free)

Use there upload / storage facility to get the image online and a url - then just paste the images url in when asked on the forum!

Hope that is some help

I can bet you have a lot of deadspots with that much LR in there :X

Guys, Thanks for the post and advice, I think on hindsigt I may have over quoted the Live rock size, I check my invoices and there is 25 Kilos. I have also attached a picture so you can have a look (all being well)


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