

May 16, 2004
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I took my foster betta back to work in a better environment and with the understanding that feeding and water changes would be my job rather than the pre-k kids doing it.In the meantime I got 3 more bettas,two male and one female.That gives me a total of 4 bettas.All are in their own homes but I am a bit short on larger bowls.

One male is now in my 1g aquarium and 2 more are in large bowls.I am wondering if the female could go in my 5g tank.It has 5 neon tetras,a male guppy,and an ADF plus a couple of ghost shrimp.So it is already well stocked.But the filter is good,the water is clean and I could add more air circulation.It would only be short term until my new tank is ready or until I get another 1 or 2.5g aquarium.What do you guys think?


Yes, it should work in the short-term. As long as you make sure there's enough hiding places in case the female gets agressive, and do more frequent water changes. GL :thumbs:
personally i wouldnt put the betta in there. why cant you just run to the lfs quickly and get a tank?
jacblades said:
personally i wouldnt put the betta in there. why cant you just run to the lfs quickly and get a tank?
Because I am a wage slave type and it's still 3 days until payday :lol:

I can keep her in one of the smaller bowls if that would be better until my ship comes in.I really shouldn't have bought the three new bettas I guess,but it was hard to resist.One male was in a cup with barely enough water to cover his fins,the other had the most beautiful colors,and the female just captivated me in a weak moment :wub: :wub: :wub:

The female was in a community tank of sorts at the store,which is why I thought she might do ok in the 5g until my new tank is ready for stocking.

I still think she'd be ok for a little while in the community, if you have the extra time to do more water changes.

I know how it is with the bettas. Sometimes they just give you a look, and you're sold! :wub:

Good luck with whatever you decide to do :)
I may try putting her in the 5g and just keeping a close eye on things.I can always remove her if it isn't working out.Thanks everyone.


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