Local Garden Centre

Of course, what makes it funnier is, with their lovely, long, flowy sail-like fins... you actually can catch bettas with your bare hands. :lol: They're the easiest thing in my tanks to catch.
Of course, what makes it funnier is, with their lovely, long, flowy sail-like fins... you actually can catch bettas with your bare hands. :lol: They're the easiest thing in my tanks to catch.

My idea of sales associate torture is looking at a school of zebra danios and saying, "No, that one, this one!" Though asking for a female harlequin rasbora is almost as fun. :p
My term of fun is I went into my lfs and they had a big breeding pack in the tank at the back ( Forgot the name ) I kept changing my mind just as he caught them then said I forgot my wallet poor guy had to try and catch about 50 different ones. :lol: If they done that to me I'd tell em where to stick it.
ok im not from England so is your "garden centre" a chain fish store? the garden centers around here sell plants and landscaping stuff :D
:thumbs: garden centres sell plants etc....but over here they usually include an aquatic area

That has got to be the most retared thing I've ever heard (read).
:lol: :hyper: :p Don't you worry about it love!!!! :p :p :p :p :p
ohhh..... ive never seen a garden center around here with an aquatic section, only fountains with lilly's

What are your aquatic fish shops like then.

Where I live the only place you can buy fish is from a garden centre or a local pet shop, but they are not very good! :no:
ohhh..... ive never seen a garden center around here with an aquatic section, only fountains with lilly's

What are your aquatic fish shops like then.

Where I live the only place you can buy fish is from a garden centre or a local pet shop, but they are not very good! :no:
:grr: ones from garden centres are great lfs are a bit ropey :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:
the woman gave me my khulis half price because i had to wait 40mins while she caught them! :hey:
Dang how can a person be that bad that it takes them 40 min to catch a fish, or are kulli loaches really tricky to catch with the way they can bend and stuff?
khuli loaches are really that tricky to catch with the way they can bend and stuff. :p they also have a frustrating habit of gravel diving just when you're about to get them.

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