Local Fish Shops


Fish Fanatic
Jun 30, 2004
Reaction score
Bedford UK
I don't see any/many comments on local fish shops, are we allowed to recommend specific shops or is that against the rules?

There are an awful lot of shops within a short drive of where I live and I'd like some initial suggestions. To start with I'm looking for somewhere that stocks big tanks as that's what I need first.

I'm looking for recommendations rather than steer-clears if that makes it safer :nod:

Someone tell me if it's against the rules :whistle:
I'm not really in your area and I dont know the rules either but we went to Oxford to look into our tank. They were really good and although we never bought it there in the end they did have the best price....PM me if Oxford is a possible location for you or just look them up on Google - they are a large store.

Best of luck,

Cava :fish:
Thanks Cava, Oxford is a bit out of range. The Rio 400 is on my short list, do you like it? And did you have to buy it with filters or could you get it without?

Rio 400 works good for us. We didn't know a lot about fishkeeping when we started (who does), and got virtually all of our advice from the Oxford shop and the one we ended up dealing which is the one in Porton (nr Salisbury). We dealt with them because they spent soooooooooooooooooooo much time talking to us on our first trip out to them and they knew we were not going to purchase anything that day (we told them that at the start to save any embarassment).

The tank comes as a complete set up which suited us as I would have been put off if I had to sort everything out myself. I dont think that you can get it without its filter, heater etc but there are ways to remove the filter housing if you need to. I read a post on here regarding this and the method seemed quite simple. Do a search - I cant post a link, I dont know how to! :*)

We like the setup as it is. The filters are easy to change and clean, the heater is out of the way, it runs real quiet (its in my living room), and the filter box is hardly noticeable whether its clean or got algae on it.

When putting the stand together the German quality showed - its really sturdy and goes together well. The tank is mighty heavy, even when empty. I've rattled on a bit now so I'll try to cut this short - I like it. :nod: It suits me, we have regular community fish all swimming around happily and it looks the dogs biscuits :D

:cool: it gets my vote.
welcome to the site :)

We're based in MK and use quite a few locally...

I'll only list the good ones - not sure how flaming the bad ones would go down.

Maidenhead Aquatics are good (we use Northampton and the new one in Woburn sands)

Frosts garden center also in woburn sands is good too.

Chiltern aquatics just off J12 of the M! are also good.

I'll add to this as i think of them.
Thanks Cava, that’s a useful mini-review of the Rio 400. I’m off out this morning to have a look-see.

And thanks smithrc, sounds like a trip to Woburn Sands is in order then. My first requirement is to find somewhere nearby that can deliver a big tank - I’m not sure if a Rio 400 would fit in my car that well or more to the point whether I could lift it out if I got it in!

I’m off to Deepdale aquatic centre now.

You may want to try Trimar as well, they will deliver tanks anywhere in the UK, and you can find their Juwel tanks

Also there is a shop in Bletchley called The Fish Store. I'm not convinced about their fish (the tanks look a bit dirty etc.) but they have a reasonable selection of pretty large tanks for good prices. its just up the main road in Bletchley. Head towards the little chef roundabout from Bletchley town centre, and it's on your left!!
Hi Timmy,

Must've missed this topic. As I'm located not far from either you or SmithRC, I must definitely recommend going to 'Japanese Koi Co'. It's located in Henlow, going towards Luton from the A6, and is a purpose built aquaira complex. None of that Wyevale Garden Centre claptrap.

Here, you'll find a huge, and busy, complex stuffed full of everything that involves any number/sorts of pets you may have interest in (including reptiles!), coldwater/tropical and marine fauna, a big outside pond (for the biggest Koi you'll ever see in your life), an aviary (bird cage), fancy garden ponds, pond accessories, and with very informed staff for all your questions.

Most novel fish they have here are the standard and albino varieties of sturgeon fish. There's a big one in the outside pond.

No, I don't work for them, but perhaps I'm one of their most regular customers (still after that discount!).

Their website is still in development at the moment, but I really do recommend paying them a visit.
Ooops! It's late. I forgot to mention you also get a wide range of tanks on display, and I do mean most makes you've ever heard of. There's also a sale on for Juwel Rekord 70's. I'll leave you to discover the 'cheap' price for yourself.

Happy shopping! ;)
agreed - clean forgot about the Japanise Koi Company - great shop :)

The Fish Store - its actualy in Fenny Stratford... tanks are quite good prices... only been in there once. (and its not on the list for a 2nd visit - if you get me)
The Fish Store - its actualy in Fenny Stratford... tanks are quite good prices... only been in there once. (and its not on the list for a 2nd visit - if you get me)
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yeah, I get it!! I'm not sure I'd buy fish from them, but the tanks are pretty good!
RVM, thanks for the link and the comments on ‘The Fish Store’, I’ve got a feeling I’ve been there years ago and it sounds like it may not have changed much.

The Japanese Koi Company, I also visited there a few years back to look at reptiles, and yes I do remember the fish were good. The JKC used to get ‘bad press’ on the reptile forums but supposedly they have improved so I guess a return visit is due.

Thanks for all the input.

(I used to visit this area hence I know a few of the shops, but now I’ve moved here so I want to check them all out, eventually).
I'm sure the Japanese Koi co. sold me some dodgy fish. Almost my entire tank went down after buying from them.

EDIT - I'm not sure if I'm allowed to say that, I'm sure a mod will deal with it if I'm not :p . It may just have been a coincidence and was probably my fault for not quarantining the fish.
I was informed that JKC quarantine new batches for several weeks before selling tem. Perhaps it was a dodgy shipment? Most of my beauties are from JKC, and they're still fine. ;)

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