

I'm trying really hard to act normal
Feb 28, 2003
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The other day at the lfs, I saw some small lobsters (maybe five inches long) in the "feeder" goldfish tank. I was so excited :D ...I'd never seen those (for aquariums). Anyone know much about them? Will they wipe out an entire tank of platys and mollies? How big of a tank do they need? Thanks!
Lobsters or Crayfish?
the crayfish are freshwater species....
Some are brown others grey or black...or even a GORGEOUS blue.......(the blues arent used as feeders i dont think).....(we have them wild here,i have one in my tank now)
They do eat fish,and some will get bigger than the five inches.....they will pinch your fishies in half. :blink: They are great for cleaning the bottom of your tank too!
I'm not aware of any freshwater lobster.

Do you mean crawfish?

What is the scientific name?

Edit: You weren't there when I started my reply, crimsontsavo, but I see you agree with me. Sorry if you thought I was stepping on your toes.
lol, yeah they probably were crayfish :look: (they weren't labeled, and I haven't seen many crayfish in my lifetime). These were very pretty blue ones...I was hyponotized by their color...then again, I am fascinated by pretty, shiny things (since I'm simple minded and all :shifty:

I image they would need something bigger than a ten gallon tank though, right?
they call the blue and red variants of the normal gray crawfish "lobsters" . LFS usually keep them in the feeder tank so they can eat w/o ruining the stores profits...it depends on the store but around here the simple grays go for about $10
I know a store where u can get a baby red w/ all the food and breeder tank for about $15 and the blues go from $20-29....other than that all i know is there oppertunistic feeders....
lol, dont worry about it. :p :D :thumbs:
I was coming here to post a question about my crayfish when i saw Dixas` post. Couldnt resist it , hehe. Nope, they dont need a huge tank. I have mine in a five gallon set up. He/She is doing great, cept for this dancing thing tonight.I always ,make sure they have a place to get out of the water.(an old tree root).They are awesome little buggers,hehhee. :fun: :nod:
I posted in another section but I may have missed the mark.
My 'lobster' is carrying eggs. Is anyone familiar with this process?
Should I separate this creature? Does it require a male for fertilization?

How long do I have and what are the chances of survival in a tank of Cichlids and Angels?
Yes it needs a male.Yes your other fish will eat the eggs.There will not be babies if you havent had her with a male.(never heard of a lobster/crayfish having eggs without a male around)~new ta me,LOL. :D
I have a 4" Blue crayfish and boy is he agro...

If i feed bloodworm cubes the crayfish comes out of hiding, swipes at the other fish and I do mean pincers everywhere...until he gets a whole cube to himself, reverse crawls back into a dark corner and munches the lot....

Wouldn't give him up for any fish. If you have the space for one get a blue one with the right lighting he will look great..

I bought the crayfish two weeks ago.
I am guessing it wasn't pure when I brought it home.

I found out I have 20 days to divide the tank up.

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