Lobster Love :)


Fish Fanatic
Dec 5, 2011
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i have a 10 gal aquarium currently with a small blue lobster, ive seen the neon orange ones and the snow white lobster crayfish they look pretty awesome. i kinda love these guys their so cool. i was wonder if i got anther lobster same type or not would they fight or not work well? if they do work is there anyhting special i need to take in consiteration?
i have a 10 gal aquarium currently with a small blue lobster, ive seen the neon orange ones and the snow white lobster crayfish they look pretty awesome. i kinda love these guys their so cool. i was wonder if i got anther lobster same type or not would they fight or not work well? if they do work is there anyhting special i need to take in consiteration?

I would normally suggest a 10 gallon minimum, for each cray.. this is for North American Crayfish.
stocking higher than that, will lead to deaths.

remember, first of all, your cray are not tropical. so an unheated tank is fine.
i have a heater and filter cause the store had him in one too
i have a heater and filter cause the store had him in one too

unless they are REDCLAW or FIRE SHRIMP (Mexican Dwarf Cray). no heater is needed. indeed all it does is open up a whole world of bacterial infection.
most LFS keep REDCLAW CRABS in fresh water. they need land more than water, and, any water, needs to be brackish too.
its, often, best not to follow you LFS ways. as many here will tell you.

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