Loaches Not Hiding During The Day - Normal?


Jun 12, 2006
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Ohio, USA

I've had three black kuhli loaches for almost three months now. I have to admit when I bought the first one, I just thought it looked cool, and now I'm trying to learn as much as I can about keeping them happy. I went back and got two more as soon as I learned that they need company, and they now have lots of hiding places in the tank as well.

The wierd thing is, everything that I read says that loaches are nocturnal, and that they're rarely ever seen. My three never stop cruising the tank! I've seen them hide in the nooks and crannies only a handful of times. They seem much more content laying out in the open, or drapped over plants, or just swimming aimlessly around.

Don't get me wrong, I love watching them! And judging by their size, I'd say they're happy and healthy. (They really seem to enjoy cleaning up after the betta kills a ghost shrimp :sick: ) I'm just wondering if something is wrong in that they're not dissappearing during the day.

If anyone can share any information, I'd appreciate it!
Thank you!
I owned 7 khuli loaches once and i found the more decor and hiding places for them, the less shy and more curious they are. I mean it only make sense right? For example: Put khulies in a bare tank say with one cave, well they're gonna stay in that cave BUT have a tank flourishing in carpet plants and little caves all over well they're gonna feel more secure and constantly hidden and therefor will venture out more. It's a good thing yours come out in other words. It means they feel safe and well hidden. ;)
I have five black Khuli loaches and three stripped ones. The black ones are always out and never seem to hide. The three stripped ones hide all the time I hardly ever see them. So for black Kuhli’s I would say this is normal behavior.
Normal behavior yup yup.

Usually the more you have the more they come out also lol.
The black ones are always out and never seem to hide. The three stripped ones hide all the time I hardly ever see them. So for black Kuhli’s I would say this is normal behavior.
Haha - mine are exactly the oppisite way around. So guess we can't judge "normal" in this case :)
Okay then! I was just concerned that maybe something was wrong with the tank and that's why they never seem to sit still. Good to know that it's normal for them to be this active. It seems like there hasn't been a lot of research done (or at least not shared) on black kuhli loaches. It's a shame, because they seem to be a great addition to a tank. My cats (feline, not fish) love to watch them swimming around at all hours of the night and day.


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