Loaches Covered In White Stuff! What Is It?!?

Another 2 Clown Loaches are in fishy heaven..... That makes the count 2 angels, 3 loaches :rip:

The treatment i have contains 37mg/ml formaldehyde and 0.32mg/ml malachite green. Brand is arostopet - Aqua Master.

Instructions are:

Use at the rate of 5ml per 20litres of aquarium water. For terta species, baby fish and scaleless fish (loaches etc.) Use at a reduced rate of 5ml per 40litres of aquarium. Repeat treatment after 3 days. DO NOT OVERDOSE.

So i added the treatment today at a half dose. Because i have loaches, BGK and Bristlenose cats.

I have not added any salt, because i thought salt was no good for these fish! and i will not add any unless someone very strongly reccomends it.

Temperature is around the 30 Degree Celcius (86F) mark. Before adding treatment this morning, i did a >50% water change.

So, in 3 days time, i will do another big water change. Then re-treat the tank. sound good?

If any more fish die i will be devistated!
Oh no :-( it's aweful isn't it ?

I'm not familiar with that brand and can't think I've ever seen it here. The treatment instructions are quite different to what I'm used to too - I think Interpet says only to raise temps up to 26C with their meds.

Though it doesn't say to do the water change after the 3 days, I probably would in this case - and then redose.
Anti Whitespot treatment is one of the meds always handy to have around.
You're doing all the right things, so wish you good luck.
Thanks bloo.

It doesnt say what temperature to raise to. But i already have my tank set at 26deg celcius normally.

I also read here on tff that the parasite has trouble surviving in water above 27 celcius, and that 30 celcius or 85 farenheit is reccomended. If that sounds too high let me know. I do have my heater set to 30 celcius, but the thermometer (digital, so probably not quite as accurate as a normal one) reads 28-29 most of the time.

Well thanks for all the tips and advice!!

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