Fish Crazy
Haven't had the chance to be on here much lately, but just thought I'd share with you a recent success! I had an infestation of snails - I had a few, and I thought they'd be no harm, and before I knew it I was totally overrun with the wretched creatures. Worse, my Amazon swords were shredded, most of them reduced to skeletons.
I had intended to keep only S American fish in this tank, but I'd already compromised by getting some SAEs, so I thought, what the heck, I'll look for some loaches at the lfs. Didn't want clowns, my tank's not really big enough. But they had some that I fell in love with - labelled 'polka dot loaches'. I'd never heard of them, but did a bit of research and I think they're Botia angelicus, and they don't grow to much more than 4 inches. I bought three last Saturday morning. Went to work on Monday morning, came back Tuesday night, and there wasn't a SINGLE SNAIL to be seen!!!! Found about a dozen taking refuge on the prefilter, and that's it - I haven't seen one in the tank since! Loaches work!
I had intended to keep only S American fish in this tank, but I'd already compromised by getting some SAEs, so I thought, what the heck, I'll look for some loaches at the lfs. Didn't want clowns, my tank's not really big enough. But they had some that I fell in love with - labelled 'polka dot loaches'. I'd never heard of them, but did a bit of research and I think they're Botia angelicus, and they don't grow to much more than 4 inches. I bought three last Saturday morning. Went to work on Monday morning, came back Tuesday night, and there wasn't a SINGLE SNAIL to be seen!!!! Found about a dozen taking refuge on the prefilter, and that's it - I haven't seen one in the tank since! Loaches work!