Loach Size List

Wolf, I also agree that it's time to consider splitting this forum into sub forums. There are just too many diverse species in this section, but this is ultimately for administration to decide.

Now to your list, I'm glad that you are making an effort to get a basic size list for the commonly kept loaches. May I make a small suggestion? Would it be more helpful to put the size in the form of a range rather than one set number? This may alleviate some of the confusion and debate regarding certain species that have been addressed as not quite conforming to the size that you have recorded in your list. Or, you could state that the numbers in your list reflect an average size and that specimens can exist that are above and below the standard size.

This is just a small suggestion, otherwise, this is a great list and I'm glad you've taken the initiative to do the research and present it in a format that is user-friendly. :)
possibly of use:

Botiinae Botia almorhae Gray, 1831 Almorha loach
Botiinae Botia beauforti Smith, 1931 Chameleon loach
Botiinae Botia berdmorei (Blyth, 1860) Blyth's loach
Botiinae Botia birdi Chaudhuri, 1909 Birdi loach
Botiinae Botia caudipunctata Taki & Doi, 1995
Botiinae Botia dario (Hamilton, 1822) Bengal loach
Botiinae Botia dayi Hora, 1932 Hora loach
Botiinae Botia eos Taki, 1972 Sun loach
Botiinae Botia helodes Sauvage, 1876 Tiger botia
Botiinae Botia histrionica Blyth, 1860
Botiinae Botia hymenophysa (Bleeker, 1852) Tiger loach
Botiinae Botia lecontei Fowler, 1937 Silver loach
Botiinae Botia lohachata Chaudhuri, 1912 Reticulate loach
Botiinae Botia longidorsalis Taki & Doi, 1995
Botiinae Botia longiventralis Yang & Chen, 1992
Botiinae Botia macracanthus (Bleeker, 1852) Clown loach
Botiinae Botia macrolineata Teugels, De Vos & Snoeks, 1986
Botiinae Botia modesta Bleeker, 1865 Redtail botia
Botiinae Botia morleti Tirant, 1885 Skunk botia
Botiinae Botia nigrolineata Kottelat & Chu, 1987
Botiinae Botia pulchra Wu, 1939
Botiinae Botia pulchripinnis Paysan, 1970
Botiinae Botia reevesae Chang, 1944
Botiinae Botia reversa Roberts, 1989
Botiinae Botia robusta Wu, 1939
Botiinae Botia rostrata Günther, 1868 Gangetic loach
Botiinae Botia sidthimunki Klausewitz, 1959 Dwarf botia
Botiinae Botia splendida Roberts, 1995
Botiinae Botia striata Narayan Rao, 1920 Zebra loach
Botiinae Botia superciliaris Günther, 1892
Botiinae Botia xanthi (Günther, 1888)
Botiinae Botia yunnanensis Chen, 1980

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