Loach Collection...

Doggfather said:
great fish Ryan!!!

i tried to wait for you to post them last night but you took so long :fun:
:lol: Sorry, couldn't get a pic of the Yo yos, silly things wouldn't stay still. :)
i want your botia striata!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no one sells them around here, i am soooo jealous. great pics!
Heres one, not very good but it shows the whole fish. :)


  • k.JPG
    48.4 KB · Views: 54
nice kuhlis. can't wait for mine to get bigger so i can actually see them (tiny little guys right now.....)
Great pic! Mine are so much lighter in color than yours. Do you do anything in particuar to keep that up? The underbellies in mine are particularly faint.
I give them plenty of hiding places, a soft substrate to bury and plenty of frozen foods, sinking pellets etc. I hardly ever see them but I like it this was it means its more of an event when I do see them. :)
chali said:
:kewlpics: love the pics ryan......love loaches :D
Thanks chali, hows the nwe tank going? Set it up yet?

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