Fish Addict
Thank you most kind!
I could get used to these compliments!!
I could get used to these compliments!!
That looks like a really cool coral!
love that!
Mmmmm so purrrdddy! =)
Don't beat yourself up about the gorg - it undoubtedly lasted longer under your care than it would in anyone else's (or the LFS) tank.
Keep Lemmiwinks on his own and then pack it full of the nps and others that need more than just light to keep them alive. I am sure there is a there is a diy guide on the net somewhere (you have probably already seen it!) about how to make constant feeding devices.
It looks like a spitting image of the Lima species that I see in stores. From the pic of it in the other thread I'm not seeing the "wings" at the back that are so prominent on the Pectens I have seen, and the overall shape seems a lot more front-to-back elongate. However, I don't know whether there is a Pecten species lurking around that has those characteristics.
There are two factors I've read regarding longevity of Lima species in captivity: diet (obviously) and a naturally short lifespan. Obviously the food is a complicated thing, but people still blame starvation even after 6-12 months which always seemed a bit fishy to me given how rapidly other filter feeding bivalves decline on cultured LR and stuff. Quotes I've read on life span in the wild are around 3-4 years and the majority are caught when they are already quite large, suggesting that they are not exactly young. So, as with sea hares, the time quoted for death from starvation is a bit too similar to the average life expectancy and individuals gotten smaller tend to live longer.
Of course, I just went and tried to find one of the papers where I had read the 3-4 years thing and have failed (although I gave up after 2 minutes) there's some more excellently cited hearsay for you LOL.
EDIT: Actually I should say PRESUMED Lima species at stores. If yours is certain to be a Pecten something then I question the other IDs I've seen.