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SimonA said:
Cheese Specialist said:
SimonA said:
Pointy_kitty said:
sorry simone
but without acception, your angel and that many neons (they may be small but they are in a large school) will NOT survive for long
How long do you think I have had them for?
Too long. :grr:

Will you ever just accept it? It's ok, everyone makes mistakes but it is important to learn from them. Especially when there are animals' welfare involved.

We are all learning

My angel and my neons are just fine.
my goodness! :eek:
sae you reading what we are saying?
we are trying to help
they are not "fine" to live in a 5 gallon
an angel needs at least ALOT more room
Seen as I wont and am seriosly considering leaving this place. I can say that only about 2 people on here have been friendly to me Inchworm and Arashi.
SimonA said:
Well I have had my angel for about 1.5-2 years and my neons for 4-6 months I think.
i see :sick:

this is far worse then we thought
have you heard of stunting?
its when the fishes insides continue to grow
and its body cavity does not
it will shorten the life of your fish
and in time it will become more and more deformed
the fact that you've had it for that long in such a small tank is one of the most irrisponsible things i have ever...
ok, i will try to stay mellow
PLEASE rehome your fish
just because they are alive now DOES NOT mean you are nt kiling them slowly

how old are you?
perhaps, as you've shown by your continuoes denial, you are a bit too young to own fish
give your current fish back, and start fresh
we will help you
but please don't punish your current fish because you didn't like what we had to say
you should have done some research,
thats not our fault
we are trying to help you fix your mistakes
and you are simply ignoring good advice because you don't like to admit that you made a mistake
its up to you to reach SOME level of maturity and own up to it

blew off the handle for a moment there :*)
Pointy_kitty said:
SimonA said:
Well I have had my angel for about 1.5-2 years and my neons for 4-6 months I think.
i see :sick:

this is far worse then we thought
have you heard of stunting?
its when the fishes insides continue to grow
and its body cavity does not
it will shorten the life of your fish
and in time it will become more and more deformed
the fact that you've had it for that long in such a small tank is one of the most irrisponsible things i have ever...
ok, i will try to stay mellow
PLEASE rehome your fish
just because they are alive now DOES NOT mean you are nt kiling them slowly

how old are you?
perhaps, as you've shown by your continuoes denial, you are a bit too young to own fish
give your current fish back, and start fresh
we will help you
but please don't punish your current fish because you didn't like what we had to say
you should have done some research,
thats not our fault
we are trying to help you fix your mistakes
and you are simply ignoring good advice because you don't like to admit that you made a mistake
its up to you to reach SOME level of maturity and own up to it

blew off the handle for a moment there :*)
I am 14 and the angel is my mums.
SimonA said:
Seen as I wont and am seriosly considering leaving this place. I can say that only about 2 people on here have been friendly to me Inchworm and Arashi.
What did they tell you everything was fine with your tank and not to worry? I think not.

Grow up.
Pointy_kitty said:
SimonA said:
Well I have had my angel for about 1.5-2 years and my neons for 4-6 months I think.
i see :sick:

this is far worse then we thought
have you heard of stunting?
its when the fishes insides continue to grow
and its body cavity does not
it will shorten the life of your fish
and in time it will become more and more deformed
the fact that you've had it for that long in such a small tank is one of the most irrisponsible things i have ever...
ok, i will try to stay mellow
PLEASE rehome your fish
just because they are alive now DOES NOT mean you are nt kiling them slowly

how old are you?
perhaps, as you've shown by your continuoes denial, you are a bit too young to own fish
give your current fish back, and start fresh
we will help you
but please don't punish your current fish because you didn't like what we had to say
you should have done some research,
thats not our fault
we are trying to help you fix your mistakes
and you are simply ignoring good advice because you don't like to admit that you made a mistake
its up to you to reach SOME level of maturity and own up to it

blew off the handle for a moment there :*)
I am 14 and the angel is my mums. And yes I have heard of stunting and I doubt it is happining
SimonA said:
I am 14 and the angel is my mums. And yes I have heard of stunting and I doubt it is happining
You doubt it is happening?! How do you know? Did the angel tell you in a dream?! Sorry but I can almost guarentee it will be. Angels get to full grown in a year, never mind 2. The fish should be just about bursting out of the tank, well it probably is.

I don't see any point in continuing with this. I can't spend all my time trying to help someone that doesn't want it.
SimonA said:
Seen as I wont and am seriosly considering leaving this place. I can say that only about 2 people on here have been friendly to me Inchworm and Arashi.
well thats a very poor, drama-queen additude

seriously guy does this make sense?

1) come to a fish help forum
2) ask advice
3) recieve good advice
4) deny good advice because its not what you wanted to hear
5) let your fish suffer and claim that "everyone is being mean"

sorry that we can't wave a magic wand and make what you want to do magically work out
you could sit here for hours and read a billion times people have had to return fish
but you could also read of billions of people giving and recieving good advice
those who listen
eventually show us their once disasterous but now magnificent tanks!
those who throw a fit and leave, well i'm guessing they are out buying more and more fish to replace those they have lost

we know what we are talking about
the only reason we got "mean" is because we tried to help you with accurate information from good sources and years of experience and you blew us off and told us we were wrong when obviously you have it backwards
Cheese Specialist said:
SimonA said:
Seen as I wont and am seriosly considering leaving this place. I can say that only about 2 people on here have been friendly to me Inchworm and Arashi.
What did they tell you everything was fine with your tank and not to worry? I think not.

Grow up.
Simon, I seriously think you need to reconsider what you're thinking here. I know you are trying to get a larger tank, but seriously...for the angel's sake get it out of that tank. I thought the new 5 gallon you bought was going to be a new home for the betta and some of the neons to give the angel some more room, but you seem to only want to buy more that are not going to be happy at all in a 5 gallon as they will (like your angel) also get much too big for a little tank.

Inchworm and I have been nice to you there's no doubt about that, but we never said anything about any of this being ok. Yes, we understand you are young, you don't have a job, and you don't have any source of income to buy a new tank. You seem to want to get a bigger tank, and to help your angel, but then I read this thread about the livebearers and I seriously don't know what you are thinking.

Simon, for the angel's sake you must get it a new tank! But if it's already been in that 5 gallon for almost 2 years it may already be too late... :-(
Arashi said:
Cheese Specialist said:
SimonA said:
Seen as I wont and am seriosly considering leaving this place. I can say that only about 2 people on here have been friendly to me Inchworm and Arashi.
What did they tell you everything was fine with your tank and not to worry? I think not.

Grow up.
Simon, I seriously think you need to reconsider what you're thinking here. I know you are trying to get a larger tank, but seriously...for the angel's sake get it out of that tank. I thought the new 5 gallon you bought was going to be a new home for the betta and some of the neons to give the angel some more room, but you seem to only want to buy more that are not going to be happy at all in a 5 gallon as they will (like your angel) also get much too big for a little tank.

Inchworm and I have been nice to you there's no doubt about that, but we never said anything about any of this being ok. Yes, we understand you are young, you don't have a job, and you don't have any source of income to buy a new tank. You seem to want to get a bigger tank, and to help your angel, but then I read this thread about the livebearers and I seriously don't know what you are thinking.

Simon, for the angel's sake you must get it a new tank! But if it's already been in that 5 gallon for almost 2 years it may already be too late... :-(
Well yes but I think that if I move half the neons out the neons that are left in the other tank will just end up being lunch.
You have a betta, an angel, and 14 neons in a FIVE gallon tank? Bad news. I'm really sorry that you think people are being mean to you, in truth they are very concerned for your poor fish. What you are doing to them is taking fish that need some room to swim and keeping them in a bucket for the rest of their lives. It's like never letting a dog out of his little doghouse, or keeping a horse in a stall and never letting it run outside. Your angel is probably already stunted, sadly. Give it away if you can not afford to buy it a tank of appropriate size. Give away the neons too, they need room to swim, your tank is too small for them. You can keep the betta, 5 gallons is enough room for him, and get yourself a ~small~ (say, 3 or 4) school of pygmy cories. These fish stay small and can adapt to the small water volume and space. The angel will die a horrible premature death if you leave it in the tank. It may "look" fine to you, but it is not fine. If some pet store told you that this stocking was appropriate, they misinformed you.

I imagine this thread is going to be closed soon. So, I wanted to take a minute to say something...

I think you know there is a problem with your tank. I don't think you are deliberatly trying to hurt your fish and I know it's not nice to hear that you have problems. Thing is, everyone is learning and no-one is going to hold anything against you. You just have to do what you can to sort it out, even if it eans giving fish away. Yo can get more when you have a good home for them.

I wasn't trying to get at you. Believe me. I just wanted to make you understand what is going on.

Good luck getting a job and sorting the situation out.

Dana :)
lol, dude you shouldnt be allowed to keep fish.. the 14 neons need a bigger tank that a 5g tank really... the betta as far as i no would really want a 10g to itself really.. so to be honest.. either get a bigger tank or give your fish to a new GOOD home.. hope i dont sound to harsh but the way you treated cheese who was pointing out facts makes me a little angry!
Simon -

Nobody can say anymore. You have posted this topic and have recieved the responses of the forum - Its up to you if you take that advice (100% correct advice IMO).

The fact 99.9% of ppl are saying exactly the same thing should tell you something :S
The only reason i think this has gotten a little sour, im affraid to say, is because (as previously stated) you seem to not "listen" to the years of expertise these ppl are offering! And the best thing is - This advice is top, free and up2date!

Whether you choose to take the excellent advice is up to you, ppl cannot do anything for you....
All i can say is, i have made some really daft mistakes and the ppl here helped me sort my mistakes out. The advice given to me on any topic i opened was great.... (thanks ppl! ;) ) and has helped me respect, learn and research my actions in fishkeeping alot more......

Let us know what you decide to do.......
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