Live rock


New Member
Jun 12, 2004
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I want to add live rock to my tank, If you read my first post I don't even have water in my tank yet, Heres the thing/ I'm reading alot about live rock and getting it shipped from an online store, Would that be the best way or does my LFS have some( do most), I never checked it out yet, Another thing every site seems to be the best and have the best methods, but one in pacticular said even if I get cured or uncured I would still have to cure it once I receive it,
Because of Die off, Said to place it in a plastic garbage bag and then had a bunch of other directions, Another big problem is the scrubbing on the rock, On site said they don't scrub and I should never, and another said take a nylon brush and scrub the rock,
I heard or read that before I place the rock into the tank I should soak it in a soultion of a high Salinity and within a few min all the critters should fall or come out of the rock, Then place the rock in the tank and if I wanted any of the critters just scoop the out of the solution,
And lastly do I need a base for my rock, recomends that The rock don't go directly on the sand. If so what should it be made from.
Thanks all,

LR is available at most LFS that deal with salts. You can also get it online but that does have drawbacks
1 you don't gey to choose the rock
2 you have to pay for shipping which encludes the water the rock is shipped in
3 buying from a LFS you don't have to buy all you need at once I'm still purchasing pieces here and there but now for appearance not filtration.

I got fully cured LR from my LFS and put it in the tank as soon as I got home so no die off . There sren't many critters in the LR that was available to me but I still have plenty now in my tank. I didn't scrub clean up crew took care of those things when I added it.

Base rock is "dry" or "dead" rock you get from LFS. I didn't it was a little more expencive to use all LR for my start up but it made the cycle go faster. I also used some LS and a bacterial additive when I started and I never really when through a cycle.

All my rock sits on my sand/CC bed Except where my engeener goby has excuvated.
Depending on the source, you might have to recure it or it might be ready to go like Raki's was. There are several LFS in this area but only one I know of that has live rock though there's another that does mainly deal in saltwater ironically. I've been in there a few times but never saw live rock for sale.
I'd recommend getting it from your LFS - you can pick what you want and leave any that looks a bit poor. The dead rock as a base is a good idea because you need to put your rock on the tank base and it is a bit pointless covering live rock with sand...and expensive. If you get a layer of dead rock down and build on top of that any that is sticking out will become live eventually anyway.

Another point is that when people say that even cured will die off this isn't necessarily completely true - it depends on how they transport it. Some LFS wrap the live rock in damp newspaper - if you buy it like this it will die off. If it is a good LFS they will bag it up for you in water (ask them to triple bag it incase you get a leak - I have it double bagged once and got a rather wet car...).

Hope that helps...
If you get the rock from a LFS make sure you smell the rock before purchasing. If its cured then it should smell of the sea! :p
If its not in good condition (or uncured) then it will smell of rotten eggs. :sick:
If you smell this on any live rock then dont buy it (unless you want uncured liverock)
And if there is nothing on it to begin with, there's not much to "cure".. I've seen so much Brown and dull rock in LFS's it's not funny.. Sure it's cured but you don't get the diversity of life that' found on "uncured" rock.. There are Very reputable places online(www.tampabaysaltwater ) that will send you great rock. They pick it and it always looks good.. Check out the testimonials. Also look for reef clubs and groups in your area. has a thriving community of saltwater enthusiasts and you can get together locally with people if you want. Lots of good stuff over there.. Not to down this forums, but this ones bread and butter is FW fish.. RC is dedicated to SW.. Many "Experts" over there..
I have to say they are good. ANd they also don't slate you if you have a view that differs from theirs. I tend to just browse for interesting stuff on here now and post on there. Not saying that this forum is bad - theres just less volume.

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