Live Rock


Fish Addict
Nov 3, 2010
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Can live rock survive for any sustained period without flow ?
Will a small amount of flow be enough from internal filter for example or does it need a power head or similar. I got some live rock i want to try to keep live until i get a tank.
How big is the container it going in? And how may LPH is the filter?

Picture of the setup probably 50l of water give or take. I put about a table spoon of rowa phos in media bag in filter is the only media.


Is this anything to worry about or deal with ?


Is this a small bit of coral or ?
Actually seem to have more and more of these popping up. Few in yellow and a purple one.

Filter is only 400l per hour.
Last pic looks like aptasia (forgotten spelling) So kill that with a soldering iron :good:

Well i think you need at least 10 times the tanks volume in fish only so you need 500LPH
so your pump isnt too bad but i would get a 1000LPH pump cheap from ebay :good:
I'm not putting any stock in here just want it to keep the rock "live" and cured until i Setup a proper tank. The rock came from an established marine tank rather than the sea so I would have thought if anything needed killing with fire it would already have been done.

The yellow ones seem to be coming out of like white bone tubes so i assume they are different to pink and purple one ?

I also seem to have aquired what i'm assuming is a small and medium sized hermit crab although all i can see is shell and some legs.

God marine is complicated all i ever had to worry about with plants was a few snails :hyper:
lol searched internet for apistea and every article was about killing them. Guess it's time for the fire.
If i upped the circulation could i put more LR in that tank just for Curing/cycling purposes. Or is it pretty full already ?

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