Planting on a ceramic rock


Fish Fanatic
Apr 18, 2024
Reaction score
Cleburne TX
Can you anchor anubias on a painted glow rock or does it have to be a actual rock and if not will they grow in sand if I do it right ?
Yes you can attach it to any hard surface. If laying on sand, the rhizome must be exposed fully.
Or would a rock like this I found outside be better if I rinse it off good and should I scrub it with a new toothbrush


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I have grown anubias on wood, plain rocks and plastic decor. They attached themselves and grew equally well on all three types.

The only thing I would think about is will the paint come off a painted rock and harm the fish.
They get their nutrients from the water column so don't actually need to be anchored. You can use superglue - just don't use too much as it goes white under water.
I get steady stream of new ones appearing, so what I do is sit them on the substrate and anchor them with a long thin pebble on part of the rhizome. You can also jam the root with two rocks in a harmless squeeze. They'll get 30 cm tall and round, sometimes taller here. It can be a large plant and a beauty.
I keep a roll of thin lead free solder, and wrap a 1 inch piece around the rhizome, and it will sit anywhere you place it... unless of course your fish are landscapers, then they have a tendency to move them around...
If you can avoid any painted stuff in your aquariums, You will also avoid any problems that comes with those.

If you inspect the rhizomes closely, you will see that it's going to grow only in one direction.

It's a good idea to orient them in the direction you want them to go at installation.

I use super glue and like when they are not too close to the bottom so they can spread their roots.

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