Fish Crazy
i just bought live rock, can i put it straight into the tank? If not how do i climatize it, there is no water in the bag with the rock??? Help
To clarify...MOST types of bristle worms are good detritivores, ie, scavengers or 'good cleaner-uppers'. There are some that can be a nuisance. I think it's safe to keep him in there and just be observant. SH
Bristle Worms are great scavengers and the filter feed and pick little particles out of the water. They are a good hitch hiker and are a benificial to your tank. They are harmless to things in your tank, but if you are digging around in your tank, Watch out! They will break off in your fingers and you WILL know if they do. They are extremely painful.
Bristle Worms are great scavengers and the filter feed and pick little particles out of the water. They are a good hitch hiker and are a benificial to your tank. They are harmless to things in your tank, but if you are digging around in your tank, Watch out! They will break off in your fingers and you WILL know if they do. They are extremely painful.
what is a bristle worm,and what do they look like ??? how do the break off in you finger ?? my daughter saw some type of long worm that came out of a live rock about 2:00 am. we have the moon lights on at night it's a different world in the tank at night,all kind of things crawling around. FUN TO WATCH !! we also saw a very small star fish of some kind.someone said it could be harmfull to the corals?