Live rock turning white


New Member
Jul 4, 2004
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Athens, GA
I recently bought some live rock to put in a tank i've started. THe rock is tonga rock and for the most part was pretty colorful (i wasn't going nec. for color, but a few of the ones i choose, were). When I looked in the tank this morning, some of the rock had areas of "white" algae, now, it could have been there from when I got it, but I'm not sure.

I had a salt water tank a few years back and remember, faintly, that if the algae turns white, its basically dying. Did I do something wrong? I added the live rock about 3 days after I added the sand and salt water to the aquarium. I have about 2.5 Watts per gallon on a 20 gallon tank. The lights are 50/50.

Any comments would be appreciated.
Could be shock from the move, or bleaching from higher intensity light than it was used to. You should expect some algae die off if your tank hasn't cycled yet. What are the water parameters looking like?
A sudden change in lighting conditions whether it be brighter or darker can cause algea to di eoff. Coraline can bleach like this and although its not common in any rock i have had it is no real cause for alarm. The most important part of the rock is its bacteria and this wont be effected by bleaching algea.
I agree with Navarre
I had some rock do the same when i started my tank.... No big deal
It will go away after some time.
Good luck on your tank and post some pic's if you can.

SoilGuru said:
I recently bought some live rock to put in a tank i've started. THe rock is tonga rock and for the most part was pretty colorful (i wasn't going nec. for color, but a few of the ones i choose, were). When I looked in the tank this morning, some of the rock had areas of "white" algae, now, it could have been there from when I got it, but I'm not sure.

I had a salt water tank a few years back and remember, faintly, that if the algae turns white, its basically dying. Did I do something wrong? I added the live rock about 3 days after I added the sand and salt water to the aquarium. I have about 2.5 Watts per gallon on a 20 gallon tank. The lights are 50/50.

Any comments would be appreciated.
ok you have a 55W CF on your 20 gallon? Was the live rock cured? did you buy it out of a dealers tank? What is your flow rate? You aren't bleaching the algae with your light, trust me. There are lots n lots of life forms in and on that live rock which are still dying and sloughing out/off. You could put your protien skimmmer on 24 hours for a few weeks and increase your flow rate. What is your photo period? Temps? SG? etc
What you are seeing is natural. Some of those white patches could be sponges, chicken liver coral, dead tissue etc. If your LR is NOT "cured" you are gonna cycle and smell for a few to several weeks.

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