Live Rock Addiction.........

Oh yes!..........What a great idea!.................I'm gonna borrow the neighbours 9" disk cutter and have a go!
You can buy live rock that is relatively thin 1"-3" sheets. Tonga Live rock sheets is one and there are others. Might be a little hard to come by though. I have a couple of sheets not sure if there tonga though. but bought them so i could have caves and plates for corals. Would have bought more but i basically had all the biggest bits (ninja'd in while they where still in the curing tank and tagged up the bits i fancied). Might add some reef bone plates if i need more. I saw a nano where someone had basically stuck most of the LR to the back of it with aquarium adhesive. Only issue is don't you lose a lot of the filtration due to not getting flow through it.

Bobbit worm has got me panicing now sure i saw something 1" that looked like a centipede in the bottom of my curing tank. As if i wasn't spending enough of my time hunting glass aneome's.
The small pieces in Big C's tank are a cool idea but would look odd in a 5ft I reckon, too uniform. Although flat pieces would solve the problem Uriel think they would look wrong, think it needs to be rounder stuff sawn in half, in general if you take something natural and change its orientation it looks odd. Like people who use slate to make Malawi caves and use it vertically, just looks weird as slate forms in horizontal slices.

Was thinking if I can do it would be some nice shelves with nooks and crannies for critters. Need to think and consider the idea.
Bobbit worm has got me panicing now sure i saw something 1" that looked like a centipede in the bottom of my curing tank. As if i wasn't spending enough of my time hunting glass aneome's.

It's only really time to worry if it definitely has 5 tentacles on its head (Eunicids and relatives), if you start finding dead snails and/or slime balls in the tank (Oenone fulgida & relatives), or if your corals have turned into a buffet (Eunicids and Hermodice). There are also lots of centipede-ish worms, including close relatives of the bad ones, that will do no harm to the average tank.

Are they quite common in tanks.

Probably not too common with average LR that looks more like rock than one big, brightly-colored organism that's about to walk away. I always feel like getting a piece of LR is a bit like taking a few spins on a roulette wheel with a handful of spots for bobbits, angry crabs, etc. Rock with more biodiversity, which is often rock that has spent some time in an actual patch of ocean (whether farmed or otherwise), is obviously going to have a higher percentage of those places to land on than rock that has been cultured by being placed dry into a tank where most of the baddies have already been ousted. That's probably one a reason that there's a market for totally man-made rock with just bacterial colonies!
Oh dear. I've found a LFS that apparently has anything upto 7 tons of live rock at one time. This could be time consuming and expensive.
Well, my addiction has kicked in again.

I'm picking up 3-4 KG of 'dead' live rock tommorow to place in my curing tank for a week or so.

As the rock is completely dead [been dry for months] then i could prob get away with adding it to my tank [after one hell of a good scrub and blast with a pressure washer.

I've already done this once and had no probs whatsoever regarding a spike.
Seffie with loud speaker in hand <step away from the rock Woody, repeat after more rock, no more rock :rolleyes: >

Think we are going to have to think of a five stage plan for you!! ;)

Seffie x
Seffie with loud speaker in hand <step away from the rock Woody, repeat after more rock, no more rock :rolleyes: >

Think we are going to have to think of a five stage plan for you!! ;)

Seffie x

Lol! This is defo the last time I add rock. I promise.

My wife said I was on about LR in my sleep last night!................I apologised to my wife and she said no need for an apology as she's got sick of my mentioning 'Cheryl Cole' for the last!
1 more piece of lr getting ready to be added to my tank. It's a beast!.....4.3KG it weighed at the lfs [yes I watched him do it, just so I dont get ripped off.

They charge £2.95 per kilo for they're 'dead' lr which ain't too bad [It was once live about 6 months ago so the lfs say]

Ive scrubbed it to death [loads of death came off it too] and its currently soaking in a bucket full of plain RO which I will leave overnight and test in the morn for Amm, trite etc and if all good it will be in my tank by this time tommorow.

This is defo the last piece of lr going in my tank as there is now roughly 30KG in total with this last piece added.

That's more than double the recommended amount of rock my sized tank.

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