Live Foods For Pleco's?

These fish are pretty much compleatly vegitarian so they have no need for live food. Occasional feeds of frozen food such as bloodworms would be possible though I wouldnt think it would be very good for them to get this often. You should also provide driftwood for your clowns to gnaw on.
my sig pic/s have wood infact i have 2 rather large pieces in there. :good: alot of plecos are omnivorous so they like meaty bn is one of them and i think clowns like a bit of protein too.
my sig pic/s have wood infact i have 2 rather large pieces in there. :good: alot of plecos are omnivorous so they like meaty bn is one of them and i think clowns like a bit of protein too.

Your clown plec isn't though, it's a member of the panaque family and so should have a diet primarily based on wood, with additional veg. Panaques really shouldn't be given meaty foods, other than as an occasional treat.
my sig pic/s have wood infact i have 2 rather large pieces in there. :good: alot of plecos are omnivorous so they like meaty bn is one of them and i think clowns like a bit of protein too.

Your clown plec isn't though, it's a member of the panaque family and so should have a diet primarily based on wood, with additional veg. Panaques really shouldn't be given meaty foods, other than as an occasional treat.
i feed all mine fresh veg,and algae wafers.they do go nuts for the pellets i give to my corys though,especially the clowns?
Hi , I have seen my BN eat some frozen bloodworm, still struggling to find out what veg he likes, h's very shy, I added a piece of mopani(?) wood for him and removed some of the rockwork, he seem s quite happy now, I'm sure I have seen him eating frozen daphnia , brine shrimp, mysis and also krill, wish I could find out what veg he likes though, my 2 juvi females I had liked lots of variety..... :unsure: :sad:
BN will eat pretty much anything and should be given frozen 'live' foods every now and then - the female in particualr needs some meat in her diet. Both my male and female love shrimp brine, bloodworm, glassworm,daphnia infact anything I puut in the community tank!

In the veg and fruit dept they love watermelon, red peppers, sweet potato, courgettes, cucumber and peas as well as flake food and algae wafers. :good:

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