Fish Gatherer
Located on the north side of my garage, here is a snapshot of the outdoor bins I'm using to culture daphnia AND collect mosquito larvae. I collect the mosquito larvae twice a day. Not only are they an excellent 'free' food source, in theory, the larvae I collect results in far less mosquitoes around my place!
Footnote: Although I culture several live foods, I also use a blend of quality commercial flake foods to ensure balanced nutrition and good health. The result: I've raised and sold many fish considered to be "show quality". Much to my surprise, at a recent club sponsored fish auction, I had a pair of red swordtails sell for $27.
Footnote: Although I culture several live foods, I also use a blend of quality commercial flake foods to ensure balanced nutrition and good health. The result: I've raised and sold many fish considered to be "show quality". Much to my surprise, at a recent club sponsored fish auction, I had a pair of red swordtails sell for $27.