Live Food Cultures: Microworm, Banana Worm, Walter Worm


Global Moderator ⚒️
Sep 24, 2005
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Following on from my previous ad, which I can't edit any more…

Livestock: microworm (Panagrellus redivivus), banana worm (Panagrellus nepenthicola) and Walter worm starter cultures
Reason for Sale: want to spread the goodness
Delivery or Collection: either
Sales price:
  1. culture: 1.70 GBP
  2. cultures: 3.00 GBP
  3. cultures: 4.00 GBP
Postage & Packaging: free first class RM, + 0.70 GBP for recorded or + 5.50 GBP for Special Delivery
Location: NR31
Payment: Paypal, Google Checkout, bank transfer or cash on collection

Banana worms are smallest, then Walter worms, while microworms are largest. All three are best suited to fish which are under 5 cm long and especially for fry. This guide about how to cultivate microworms also works for the other cultures.
Ill take one culture of micro, can you pm your paypal. Thanks
Anyone else interested? I'm going to be restarting my cultures next week or the week after, so would be nice to downsize them a bit now :)
I hope my culture has worked, not seing any sign of life ? what poridge, yeast etc do you use and qty ?

I hope my culture has worked, not seing any sign of life? what poridge, yeast etc do you use and qty?
How are you looking for the worms? What is the consistency of the mix? How cold does the place where you keep them get?
Right now, I am using Tesco's Scottish porridge oats (although I usually use Tesco's Value porridge oats), no yeast (usually whichever one is open) and cold tap water (or skin temperature when I use yeast). I keep them in Carte d'Or ice cream tubs (with about 6 holes in the lid) or in food boxes of the same size, the cultures are usually around 1-2 cm deep as I don't use all *that* many worms.

Can i have 2 please a microworm and a banana worm.
PM sent :)

I'll take 2 x walter worm cultures if poss
please send me your details :good:
…also sent :)
Shameless bump, just restarted my cultures, any takers before I throw away the old ones?
hi i am looking for micro worms but i live in the US so how much would it be, and would you send culture starter or an established culture? :/
Sorry, I will not post to US for two reasons: the culture is unlikely to survive the journey and unlikely to survive customs.

Here are a few search results that you might be interested in:
If anyone is up for helping me with an experiment: I'm trying to figure out how to ship larger starter cultures, so want to try things like tupperware tubs, fuller bags, etc. For anyone volunteering for this, I will charge only P&P costs and nothing for the culture.
If anyone is up for helping me with an experiment: I'm trying to figure out how to ship larger starter cultures, so want to try things like tupperware tubs, fuller bags, etc. For anyone volunteering for this, I will charge only packaging costs and nothing for the culture.
ill lend a hand :good:

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