Live Fish On Ebay


Fish Fanatic
Jun 16, 2006
Reaction score
sittingbourne kent
:no: I cant believe this, the tank looks disgusting and the oscar looks very sorry for him self.

i don't know how to link the item but here is the number ,item 180001964319

can you sell livestock on ebay :(
Perhaps they are just holding tanks - who knows. It's only fish they are selling it seems, not tanks. I've certainly far far seen worse on eBay.
Yes you can sell fish on eBay.
There is no particular reason why you shouldn't be able to sell fish on ebay; after all, anyone can sell a dog by simply putting up an advert in a shop window or a local paper- don't see that ebay is really that different. Lots of fish and other beasties are advertised every day on Aquarist classified too.
it's listed on the Koi & Pond Fish category.
I don't agree with selling fish on ebay, not a good idea IMHO... ...but I have seen worse tanks in some LFS! :(

well, i dont see a problem with selling fish on ebay,

They are collection only most of them, and people recieve fish by post, so why cant you sell by ebay, all ebay is, is a place to sell thngs. just like the classifieds on here,
Yea the tanks are pretty nasty but the fish seem in good health, they probably are just holding tanks and thats probably how that guy makes his living, he probably gets fish and then sells them through places like ebay, Theres nothing wrong with selling fish on ebay as long as they're cared for properly.
I don't agree with selling fish on ebay, not a good idea IMHO...
how about selling fish thru TFF?

Good point :lol:

And neither seems worse than selling them through a pet shop, by means of a shop assistant who may never have kept fish in their lives, never read a fish book and never seen a plec over 2 inches long.
i buy various critters on ebay and theyve all arrived wonderfully cared for..however i dont think id by fish... unless i knew the buyer had experience with posting them

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