alsoo mbou its a little bizare that you assume every one who is against fox hunting dont know the ins and outs of the "sport". im not argueing im just saying
Don't think i said this? Just said I dissagree with the ban (though dont think i even said that!) and that i think PETA are useless. I dont mind people disagreeing with foxhunting at all, would be a boring world if we all thought identical thoughts and had same opinins! well... wouldnt even be opinions then would it?
Though i really struggle to understand how people can be so against something they havent tried without being bias? Not just hunting.. but like.. my brother has become a vegetarian because 'its cruel and unecessary to eat animals' which is a load of rubbish and he has no idea of how the animals are raised or culled? he has based his opinion purely on other peoples opinions... and not only that but he isnt interested in learning more and he doesnt eat the right foods at all and will eventually make himself really ill. Or people who say "I really hate snakes" and yet have never seen one in the flesh let alone held one... or "i hate sprouts" and yet have never eaten them or tried them once 20 years ago when they were 4 or something.
Its not that i dissagree with people as such but more how they can come to such an opinion without any real understanding of the situation?
Get me? im rubbish at trying to put my thoughts into writing!
Been reading this thread from the beginning and I was thinking similar thoughts. There are tribal people all over the world that gladly eat live bugs, insects, creepy crawlies. Is anyone going to shout out that the tribal people are cruel?
I am a meat eater and understand where my food comes from. Chicken farms are one of the nastiest things I have ever seen. It's really awful, but I love me some chicken! It is not pretty, but those people eating the live fish do not think they are being cruel I am sure. It is their food. A certain amount of control should be in place for the treatment of animals, but is it really cruel when they are in the process of eating the fish? I guess I think it is better then actual cruelty {poking at something with stick} Personally no live fish for me, but as long as the Japanese stop whaling, my animal cruelty campaigns will end.
Do you think it is less cruel to put a live lobster in a pot of boiling water, or a crab? They have to be alive until you are ready to cook them because they go bad so quickly.
Torture means to continually cause pain, often for the enjoyment of an audience, but sometimes for justice. In the case of the fish, the fish is kept in a state that causes it pain, only for the audience to enjoy their moving meal. The fish being alive does nothing more except satisfy someone's eyes (if even that). Which is why I find it pointless, culture or not.
This is my point. They are not torturing the fish continually at all are they? Once the eat the fish it is over.