Live Bloodworms


Fish Fanatic
Sep 26, 2003
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Chicago IL
My guys love blood worms so much that I'm thinking about giving them live ones. I know someone here will know whats involved. How do I keep them? What do I put them in? Where do I store them? Any other info involved? Thanks all
the 2 times that ive used live bloodworms i have had fish die a day or 2 from now on im staying well clear of live food....but lots of others have no problems with them....ive just recently lost another elephant nose fish :-(
If you do decide to feed live blood worms, make sure that they are accually living, and not dead, and not rotting. Make sure they aren't giveing off any horrible smells ethier. IMO make sure that they are accually red misquito larvae and not tubiflex worms, a lot of places use tubiflex worms. You have to keep them in teh refigerator.
Yeah I had that problem once!!! :crazy: and boy it stank :D
yes, I had the same problem, and onece they stink, are you allowed to feed them to fish? or are they already contaminated?
Thanks All & Inch. & upon reading these replies & your link Inch -I'll stick with freeze dried store bought. Thanks again.
;) Well when they stink some are not good to feed your fish ;)
ok,ok, thats the definate LAST TIME i ever get bloodworms. your probably wondering why im talking like this. I just went to check on my bloodworms to see how they're going and I saw nothing but thick red liquid. It looked like the worms dissolved or somthing. So I opened the lid of the tightinly closed bottle (Maybe I shouldn't have done that) and smelled the inside. OMGOMGOMG, that was the ultimately WORST smell I have ever smelt. :crazy: :sick: . It was completely fouled up so badly. Please, I bet so much money anyone cannot smell it full on. uurggg, omg... :crazy: :crazy: :alien: :sick: :sick:

If anyone wants to smell, the worst smell (I emphasis that times 1000) in the world, simply get about 10mls of bloodworms, half fill the plastic bottle with aquarium water and shut it for about a week. Then after that, you should see red pus all over the bottom. It really is something else. :sick: :sick: :sick:
:sick: innit mate I know EXACTLY where you're coming from! Feeding bloodworm is my most hated job in fishkeeping! Even frozen bloodworms smell serioiusly bad when you defrost them - although they don't seem to do the fish any harm :/
OK guys......listen up! ;)

Bloodworms do not smell bad if you take care of them properly and they are highly nutritious food. They are especially beneficial for your fish if you intend to breed them.

True, it's a little work keeping them clean, but it is well worth the effort. Remember, these are living creatures. Like all others, they poop and they die. It is just necessary to wash them to keep them clean and fresh. Use cold water and rinse as many times as necessary until the water runs clear.

Don't buy more than your fish will eat in a week.

They will probably smell bad when you bring them home because many lfs employees neglect this task, but once you wash them you will see the diference. Keep them healthy by washing every day or two.

Tubiflex worms look just like bloodworms but they are smaller. They are cared for in the same manner as bloodworms.
OK guys......listen up!

Bloodworms do not smell bad if you take care of them properly and they are highly nutritious food. They are especially beneficial for your fish if you intend to breed them.

True, it's a little work keeping them clean, but it is well worth the effort. Remember, these are living creatures. Like all others, they poop and they die. It is just necessary to wash them to keep them clean and fresh. Use cold water and rinse as many times as necessary until the water runs clear.

Don't buy more than your fish will eat in a week.

They will probably smell bad when you bring them home because many lfs employees neglect this task, but once you wash them you will see the diference. Keep them healthy by washing every day or two.

Tubiflex worms look just like bloodworms but they are smaller. They are cared for in the same manner as bloodworms.

Yeah, but, If you want to take care of the worms well, you have to take care of them like new fish. (Me don't like that) And if I need nighly nutritious food then I use frozen bloodworm which is still ok, and for live foods live brine shrimp is good.
i was feedin frozen bloodworms the other week...they had slightly i dropped them in the tank the water splooshed n a ikkle wormy landed right in the corner of my wasnt too long after that i ran to the toilet bawking my head off....i bawked that hard my insides nearly came out :sick:
uhhh, that sound very painfully disgusting. One that has not smelt bloodworms, would probably not know what you just went though. Not a very nice feeling at all. :sick:
I get fresh bloodworms a couple of times a month from my LFS. They are great for my fish and I've never had any problems, but they are from a reliable, clean source. I also feed frozen and freeze-dried bloodworms, but my fish really love the live ones best.

Live daphnia are also good (you can grow them in a cold water fish bowl apparently) and they are clean and don't carry germs.

I grow Sea Monkeys (brine shrimps) and feed them as an occasional treat as well.

I attribute my fish's great colour to this kind of food.

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