Live Blood-worms


Nov 10, 2004
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I went to my LFS yesterday and I was pleased to see that the guy had live bloodworms. I'm thinking of buying some and feeding my fish.

So, can I store bloodworms? How long can I store them? Should I keep them in water? Should I frequently change the water they are kept in?

Basically, how do I take care of them?
Have you considered getting frozen bloodworm, it's apparently just as good as live but way easier to keep. If not, at least I've pushed your post up to the top!!
Wow!! are you really from India? Bloodworms are midge larvae. The larval stage is temperature dependant so being from India this stage would be very short I would imagine. In the Uk they need to be kept in cool water and I've kept them for up to a week by waterchanging.
Click on the link
Hope this was of some help...
Yes, I really am from the other side of the globe :p

Thanks for the replies. I'll go to my LFS and ask the guy for details of how to keep bloodworms.

BigC, that was a really good link. Since summer has begun here, and the average room temperature is over 25 deg Cel., I guess it'll be difficult to keep them alive for long.

If it doesn't work out, then I'll just go for freeze-dried worms, as loafybones said.
Ok. Frozen it is. It was the last stock of live bloodworms in my LFS and its over.
I've notice that my gourami and platys will eat the freeze dried worms then spit them right out. I don't know if they don't like the taste of the texture of these things.
emo said:
Don't go for freeze-dried... go for FROZEN. They are different.

Freeze-dried have no nutritional value.
I wished i'd known that before I bought a tub of the freeze dried - my fish only eat them as a last resort but if i drop a frozen cube in they rip it to pieces in minutes

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