Little White Spots Comes And Goes?


Fish Crazy
Mar 29, 2010
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I have two fish tank a 6g Betta and 3ft tank, Now and then i see little pin size white stops just on fins but they just come and go? like this morning my Betta had three little white spots and now it as just the one? and two of the fish in the 3ft tank as the odd white tiny spots but if i look later they will be gone, this as got me puzzled it's been doing this for a week now, so don't know what to do really for the best. it might have something with the fish in both tanks rubbing themselves and might be a small case of white stop or velvet?

I have two fish tank a 6g Betta and 3ft tank, Now and then i see little pin size white stops just on fins but they just come and go? like this morning my Betta had three little white spots and now it as just the one? and two of the fish in the 3ft tank as the odd white tiny spots but if i look later they will be gone, this as got me puzzled it's been doing this for a week now, so don't know what to do really for the best. it might have something with the fish in both tanks rubbing themselves and might be a small case of white stop or velvet?


Ich or velvet normally get worse over time when left untreated, although if the fish have a very strong immune system they are better able to fend off the parasites. Ich life cycle has several phases, only one of which is actually attached to the fish. As such, the white spots that are there now will drop off and swim to the bottom where they can reproduce; but of course there is generally a lot more to take their place :-(. If the white spots are sometimes there, and sometimes not, then it's likely nothing too serious. If the tank is not planted, and depending on the type of fish, aquarium salt can help also, as the ich parasite does not particularly care for salt. (If it is planted, you would need to add the salt slowly, over a period of a few days, to give the plants time to adjust to the salt). Raising the temperature can help speed the life cycle. Frequent gravel vacs is also recommended, as this will help pick up a lot of the parasites and eggs from the bottom.

If it gets any worse than this, I would suggest you start treatment with some form of meds. If it's not too bad, and fish seem to be holding their own against it, you may be able to get away with just the gravel vacs (daily or every other day); and salt if possible.
I have two fish tank a 6g Betta and 3ft tank, Now and then i see little pin size white stops just on fins but they just come and go? like this morning my Betta had three little white spots and now it as just the one? and two of the fish in the 3ft tank as the odd white tiny spots but if i look later they will be gone, this as got me puzzled it's been doing this for a week now, so don't know what to do really for the best. it might have something with the fish in both tanks rubbing themselves and might be a small case of white stop or velvet?


Ich or velvet normally get worse over time when left untreated, although if the fish have a very strong immune system they are better able to fend off the parasites. Ich life cycle has several phases, only one of which is actually attached to the fish. As such, the white spots that are there now will drop off and swim to the bottom where they can reproduce; but of course there is generally a lot more to take their place :-(. If the white spots are sometimes there, and sometimes not, then it's likely nothing too serious. If the tank is not planted, and depending on the type of fish, aquarium salt can help also, as the ich parasite does not particularly care for salt. (If it is planted, you would need to add the salt slowly, over a period of a few days, to give the plants time to adjust to the salt). Raising the temperature can help speed the life cycle. Frequent gravel vacs is also recommended, as this will help pick up a lot of the parasites and eggs from the bottom.

If it gets any worse than this, I would suggest you start treatment with some form of meds. If it's not too bad, and fish seem to be holding their own against it, you may be able to get away with just the gravel vacs (daily or every other day); and salt if possible.

Sorry for late reply

Thank's for your reply :)

Yesterday i bought some King British white spot med so i stated to treat them as the spots came back on fins and rubbing more. I have done what you have suggested. now keeping my fingers crossed it will clear up :)


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