Little In-Tank Platform I Made


Fish Herder
Sep 27, 2010
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nothing special, just shaped a piece of thick eggcrate, covered the visible bit with moss, drileld it and put 4 suckers on it, and propped it up with a bit of wood. then waited until the MOST perfect piece of wood came up. i wanted to create another bit of 'floorspace' as i have a lot of catfish and plecs vying for somewhere to live, and wanted a piece of wood that would give me a cave like area, like a shallow archway, that would have been enough. but i foudn this bit of wood after nearly 2 weeks looking and waiting, chuffed !!! and its done the job, its become home for a syno, a plec and my apisto. :good:

looks good :good: will the moss grow covered by wood?
The only moss actually underneath the wood is a small bit of random broken moss ball i just put under there to see what happens. The other moss, i think its peacock, what you can see is all there is. Its all new to the tank so hopefully it will catch and look a bit nicer and cover the plastic. Would be awesome if it actually grew over the wood !

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