Little Disaster!


Fish Fanatic
Jun 3, 2004
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my tank looked a lil cloudy this morning as i turned the light on and i wondered why it was that colour and i have jus got home from work and it has got worse it is a coral i bought a few days ago it has been dying so i took it out although some was still alive and have done a 25% water change but didnt have time to go back to work and get ro so i have used the red sea coral pro salt and feshwater nt a good combonation but i had 2 do it 2 stop the rest of the tank dying.... using this salt with tap water will there be any side affects as i normally use ro
You should be ok if it's a one-off emergency change. It is possible you could get an algae bloom from the excess nutrients in the tap water. I personally would do another change using RO as soon as you get the chance to be on the safe side. If you're running rowaphos etc and skimming you shouldn't have a huge problem though. :good: Some people have only ever used tap water and had great results so don't panic too much.
i will get some tomorrow from work and i do use rowa phos but i do regular water changes so not in need 4 a skimmer i dont think its only 60 litres but do at least 10% change every week
im getting some fluval green x so that should help sort out the issue
I'm not a fan of artificial additives like green x in marine setups. :no: Personally I wouldn't use it. You may not get any bloom at all. With a smaller tank like yours you'd be better just doing another water change.
i was just going to use it to get rid of the cloud but seems i do not need them thanks for the advice
Be careful with tap water as there are many things in there which can upset a tank. You know that fluoride is added to water to make our teeth stronger right? I have no idea how this can affect a tank but I am assuming it cant be good.

Also I did a nitrate test on my tap water and it went off the scale.

Not to mention if you have copper water pipes in your house the copper is very slowly dissolving into the water and we know that copper = reef killer.

I am surprised to hear that people use tap water + salt and have no problems. Must be in a very clean area, unlike London where the water you drink has been through 5 or 6 people already :sick:
Personally I wouldn't use tap water + salt unless I was desperate but yes I have heard of people running successful systems long term using it.

If I can find a link I'll post it (but don't hold your breath as I'll probably forget)
i dont usually use tap water but i was desperate as needed a water change as things wernt looking good but using tap water only once shouldnt upset the tank to much

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