Liquid co2

The JBL Ferro Tabs are apparently now called Ferropol Tabs (they are the same product). The JBL Ferropol Root (these are tabs too) would be better bnecause they do not dissolve into the water column, and that can encourage algae plus bother the fish.

I cannot track down "multifit liquid ferts" so I've no idea. Is there a manufacturer's name? JBL has nothing like this.
Hey byron.
Multifit fert is my local pet store home brand. I think that's why it wont be found.
Hey byron.
Multifit fert is my local pet store home brand. I think that's why it wont be found.

If you have the list of nutrients we can see, but otherwise probably better to switch to the Flourish Comprehensive Supplement.

Comprehensive fertilizers contain the necessary nutrients in proportion to each other. This is important because too much of some of them can cause serious plant issues. That's why they are better.
GH of 4 dGH is soft water, so fish species like neon tetras and almost any others from South America or SE mainland Asia are suited. Forget any livebearers, they must have harder water. I was asking specifically because of the plants; GH is the measure of calcium and magnesium in water, and these are two macro nutrients plants need. A GH of 4 will be OK for this, so that makes fertilizer additives a bit easier as most assume you have some of these minerals in the water already.

Given seangee's comment on the tabs, this may be worth considering. Seachem's Flourish Tabs are good, I've been using them for ten years now. Their Flourish Comprehensive Supplement for the Planted Aquarium is another good product in the liquid form. When we have data on the one you have we may go into this further.
Thanks for everyone's help on this.
The information here is great.
Its a shame in one way to learn this because I really wanted guppys but the alternative would have been way worse to get them and they died.
Cheers all.

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