Liquid Carbon And Shrimps


Aug 5, 2009
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Was just wondering everyones opinion on using liquid carbon in a shrimp only nano tank? Could I or not?
I use liquid Carbon in my 30l planted nano and I have 5 fully grown Cherry Shrimp in there. Up to now, there have not been any deaths and they all look healthy and normal. They have been in there getting on for two weeks.
Thats good to know cheers for that. I may give it a go and if i get any deaths, stop and do a big water change.
Don't know if Shrimp are that sensitive to CO2 to be honest,
Have a 90L (22.5G?) tank, with lots of plants.
On Friday 9th I was in a hurry to go to the office I overdosed the tank with liquid CO2 (put in 6-7 ml instead of 2) and took off.
casualties : 16 of my 27 fish died by the time I got home. I did a 50L water change, but another 7 died by next morning.
did another 50L water change Saturday and a 70L water change on Sunday
2 plecs and 2 botia loaches survived. (tough buggers: they survived a cycling tank too ... beginners mistake)
My 13 Cherry shrimp survived being a 14 hours in high CO2 - low O2 environment (test kit read 0 O2). They no longer are bright red though... they have a mottled red pink complexion. Hope they get bright red again soon
on another note I only know I have 13 left out of 15 because I took evreything out to do the last water change. I rarely glimpse more than 3 at any given time, Leading me to think I had provided my fish with a tasty meal :D

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