Fish Fanatic
Hi guys,
My system is currently using a fluval 205 filter, all seems ok at the moment, touch wood, ive got a spare 205 filter not doing anything
would it be possible to link this to the other fulval, im not sure you can do this so id thought id ask if its possible
basically, i would take the tank output in the fluval 1, then take the output of the fluval 1 into the input of the fluval 2, then the output of the fluval 2 into the tank, is this possible, i wasj ust woundering, either that or i might sell it
thanks to anyone who answers
My system is currently using a fluval 205 filter, all seems ok at the moment, touch wood, ive got a spare 205 filter not doing anything
would it be possible to link this to the other fulval, im not sure you can do this so id thought id ask if its possible
basically, i would take the tank output in the fluval 1, then take the output of the fluval 1 into the input of the fluval 2, then the output of the fluval 2 into the tank, is this possible, i wasj ust woundering, either that or i might sell it
thanks to anyone who answers