Linking External Filters


Fish Fanatic
Apr 27, 2008
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Hi guys,

My system is currently using a fluval 205 filter, all seems ok at the moment, touch wood, ive got a spare 205 filter not doing anything

would it be possible to link this to the other fulval, im not sure you can do this so id thought id ask if its possible

basically, i would take the tank output in the fluval 1, then take the output of the fluval 1 into the input of the fluval 2, then the output of the fluval 2 into the tank, is this possible, i wasj ust woundering, either that or i might sell it

thanks to anyone who answers
That is a Series linkage, and caurses all mannor of untold pressure issues, regardless of how it is ran. If the first fluval does all the pumping, the next one will be under pressuure and could leak... If the second filter does the pumping, it will be under increased negative pressuer and the pumphead and impeller will wear out more quickly. If both do the pumping, you get both problems...

If you want to run two filters, do them as two stand-alones as T1 above says, or link them in parallel. This is where one inlet splits into two outside the tank, feeding off to each filter seporately, and then the two seporate outlets feed into one that goes into the tank :good:

All the best
He could have a situation like me, where the tank can only accomodate one inlet and outlet set, but he wants to run two canisters because of higher waste loads (my main reason), or for system redundancy (lets face it, you need it with Fluvals)...

All the best

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