Limnophila ~~~~ Back From The Dead

Yes i just bagged up 15 plants for Seffie and still got more!!!! can do 10-15 more
Hi, if you have any left can you pm me, when you say plants is it stems or actual plants?
Ok all sold for now.

I'll probably not be selling any more until after i have moved.

Thanks for every one who's brought these plants so far.
The crushed ones!!!!
no idea, i dont like them so try to kill them

but they dont eat the plants just graze the algae
Back up for sale

Just making a que so i know who's first.


Just ask to be added to the list.

Quantity for sale:
5 about 6" long
Delivery or Collection:
Collection and postal
Sales price:
£1 or £1.50 posted
Postage & Packaging:
Location: Bournemouth
its the green stuff which grows like mad!!!!!!


After 10 weeks

I've now sold a total of 15 lots of this plant with no complaints

All negotiations and questions must be posted in this sales thread and NOT by PM.

Communications may only be taken to PM once the sale and price has been agreed upon on the open forum and payment/collection details need to be given.
The agreement of the time and date of collection or postage, or confirmation that items have been posted should also be posted in the thread.

Please refrain from commenting unless you are interested in more details or are interested in buying.
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received mine today as promised, great!!!, thanks, lisa
The crushed ones!!!!
no idea, i dont like them so try to kill them

but they dont eat the plants just graze the algae

Brought these for £5 from my local fish store. And ONLY just found a site with cool prices etc!

I mean

SITE Why DIDENT you find me =[


This is a great question now.

How much have you actluy made?

and i bet the trips to the post office keep you active :D
I've re done my tank all fresh plants so will be a few more weeks before i sell any more.

The money from the sales have payed for my villia in spain!!!!!!
Oh and some live foods to feed the fish
I've re done my tank all fresh plants so will be a few more weeks before i sell any more.

The money from the sales have payed for my villia in spain!!!!!!
Oh and some live foods to feed the fish


I Would Buy a bundle if i could use my dads paypal account :/

because i wasted £5 on some plants witch

A) Caused my Tank to be a Mess
B) The roots broke off and swam around my tank hitting my neons
C) Crappy condition

From what i heard form your reviews there Great..

if i can nag my dad about it i might buy some ^_^
OMG Has it been 18 months since!!!!!!

This died back all of last year and hardly grew from when i moved house.
However now it's growing like stink again.

If anyone is interested in any more I should have some for same in the next 2 weeks

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