so I have been criticized for not changing enough water, and with my set up, I could easily change much more water, except for one thing... I have a "normal" sized RO unit, that I'm literally pumping dry every day, with plant use, evaporation, and water changes... because I'll need more water daily for my current set up, and I have 2-30 gallon tanks left to get running in my group, and that big 250 gallon going into my living room upstairs, I've decided to replace my "normal" sized RO unit for commercial size 500 gallon per day unit... once installed, I'll be pumping water in, and out, rather than slupping buckets... I already pump water in, but use buckets to keep track of how much I'm pulling out, to make sure I can spread it around... now I'll be using the gauge lines on my holding tank to confirm water change levels, that will likely be set around the filter draw tube lengths, so I don't have to restart filters, but could be done a couple times a week easily enough, if I decide 15 gallons per tank is not enough ( about the amount of gallons I can pull out of the tank before exposing the draw tubes... of coarse if they were all Tidal brand filters ( those would restart flow themselves, even doing a 90% water change ) but I still have a couple Aquaclears, and some 30 year old hang on backs, that would not restart, if the water level was dropped below the draw tube... but those could also be changed out, if I routinely wanted to do a bigger water change...
better to shut off the water, when the holding tank is full, rather than always having an empty holding tank...
better to shut off the water, when the holding tank is full, rather than always having an empty holding tank...
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