Limia Hybrid?


Sep 1, 2007
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I was wondering if the limia can hybridizing with the mollies? I don't see any reports about the hybrids or proof.
These are very closely related but I've not heard of a cross
I dont think its possible.
They are, as Helter says very close relation wise, but I dont think they could cross.
If they did the young would be infertile anyways.
I dont think its possible.
They are, as Helter says very close relation wise, but I dont think they could cross.
If they did the young would be infertile anyways.

They are very possible.. And offspring are fertile..
I do a lot of hybridizeing of livebearers.. Enjoy developing new color
varieties of livebearers.
So far in reguards to limia I have developed a black limia Perugiae and an orange limia Perugiae..
I would love to post pics on this thread but don't know how ??

I find this forum very intresting, lots of good info.. Hope to contribute and gain
knowledge aswell.. AdrianHD


You can upload images to somewhere like and use the IMG tag to insert them in a post (I just use the button in the editor, copy/paste the picture's URL and the forum does the rest of the work).

I have a friend who's somewhat of a molly fanatic, I think she'd love to see your pictures. She spent a couple months trying to cross her favorite molly with a platy, trying to make a red wag molly. Didn't work out, the fish mated readily, but never had any fry.
The black strain is well set..
The yellow still need some work...
Wow! Love Black limia! PM you for some questions about them.
I have done several Limia To hybrid guppy/endler crosses..Not all crosses produce
same results.. These are few pics of Cross that produced good results..
I am posting different pics to show size differnces..
The final results are large beautiful Tiger looking hybrids..
First pic shows reg size tiger,, secound pic hybrid tiger limie ,
these hybrids are double size and fertile, notice thick peduncle ..
third pic show even bigger hybrid but not fertile..



Cool, this hybrid on bottom, this huge male almost looks like a female! What you doing with sterile hybrids since they don't reproduce?
You need to read more carefully my posts..
My bad. What I meant the huge male hybrid on bottom picture, it looks like a gravid female. But what you doing with the hybrids that's not fertile? For display? Is this huge male hybrid a F1 or more than that?
The biggest male is called a mule..It is not fully developed functional male..
He is F3 .. I get few of these in many of the hybrid crosses.. They are just something to look at..

If a cross is able to produce F1 , They may or may not be fertile.. Best deal is to set up many breeders..
Many tanks.. This method gives best possibility of success.. Not all crosses produce same results as far as appearance.. Many times a successful cross produce garbage offspring not worth continueing..

Your mule hybrid is pretty, I really like his colors no matter how sterile he is. You gonna trying on Western Mosquito X Guppy hybrid experiment?
That will be a future project..
For now just passing thrue and reading to see if others are working
on any projects.
Some people have talked about it but never provided photo's and not been working with virgin stock either so I'm takeing much notice of them but I've known of you Adrian for many years throught BLA (uk) had had some of you fish in the past.

It's having the space and time to and work on them and know that who ever it is are gonne be reliable with the ofspring. As things with endlers these days are very difficualt and i will only buy true endlers which are still very rare (and difficualt to tell)

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