Limegreen Fry


Getting old, but nowhere near knackered, i just lo
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Bournemouth Uk
i got a fry tank with a mixture of guppy, mm platy and highfin sunset platy, i was told by a mate that he saw a lime green one in there, so i have spend 30 mins looking for it, and i found it. im sure its a sunset because of the size of it but was wondering since ive never bred this variety before. does anyone know the colour changes of this fish as it grows, the other sunsets are not this colour but more of a gold appearing, could it be a female and the rest males?????? trying to get a pic but it moves so quick :lol: :lol:
Even with line breed fish they will procude a though back now and then, getting over 95% all one colour is great news.

So it's probably just a though back of something else.
cool i like the sound of that, i feel a major experiment coming on :lol: :lol:
im trying my friend be patient..if you know me by now youll realize i dont give up easily :hyper:

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