Like my life couldn't get anymore depressing

I remember when my cat Dawn died. When I found her as a stray, she was dusty, dirty, flea-bitten, starving, and ugly as sin. Actually, she was ugly as sin no matter what we did--she was a tortoise-shell tabby the color of vomit with canines that stuck out from under her lip and HUGE green eyes that made her look as if she was scared of her own shadow--which, come to think of it, she was. But she was also the sweetest cat I've ever owned. She'd sleep next to my head on her own pillow every night and she purred louder than a chainsaw with the slightest touch. Her death was so hard to take.

Now I have a cat named Rosewood; I've known her since she was born to my friend's cat. She and I share a special bond. She's a lot like me in some ways, everything I'm not in others. She's had such a plush life; never been cold, never been hungry, never even had fleas. I've been so beaten up; hurt like she never has, hopefully never will be. But we're both particular in our friendships; both have problems; heck, we both take anxiety meds!! But in any case, I don't think I could bear even the thought of losing her. She may be a "just a cat" to other people, but to me, she's so much more.

I'm so, so sorry to hear about your loss, especially on top of everything else. You will be in my prayers!!!

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