Like my life couldn't get anymore depressing


Fish Gatherer
Nov 7, 2003
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just became an american *play dramatic music*
Just got a phone call from my parents, my cat that I grew up with, Tigger 13yrs old, was found in the middle of road dead, blood coming from his head, hit and run......god i hate my hometown! A lady driving by with her kids saw our cat. She dropped her kids off and went door to door until she came to my parents home. Unfortunately too its my parents anniversary tomorrow so my dad was just about to give my mother flowers and a card. Mom in return had our family cat in box for my dad to burry. This is so frustrating me, i can't sotp crying, too many lives close to me gone in just 20 days. My very close friend and aunt(only 26yrs) just passed away 2 weeks ago aswell leaving 2 young children(see post here: I have neve rfelt so much depression, i have hardly any strength left to cry, I've been cryign so much lately. I loved tigger, atleast i got to see him when i came home for the funeral. I remember ..........*pause to cry*....... omg please........*crying* .......I remember having him sit on my lap and hearing him purr and stroking him for a good 45mins saying how much i missed him and feeling his warmth. My dad said he's probably still warm in his grave right now.
I just wanted to let ppl know how much this hurts and how tired I am from crying and grieving all the time. I have never had to deal with so much pain by myself(i just moved out to be on my own).
Please dont take this as a cry for attention, i just wanted to inform you guys of my situation...... your like my family away from home to me.
I'm sorry about all of this. Not very articulate, so I am afraid that is all I can say. :/ If only I had someone else's words to help console you. :sigh: Just hang in there and it will get better. The numbness will eventually melt away. :nod:
very sorry to hear of your [ families ] bad luck streak , this may sound stupid but , roll with it and keep your chin up , times like this will strengthen you , believe it or not .

Grieving sucks , it really does , it is however part of life, don't hold back tears .

I'll say a prayer for you , that things get better.
Just don't let yourself grow hard with the grief. A positive outlook and all that nonsense, though I wager they work. I would not know, though, but I hope you find something that will help you adjust.
Oh snowy.. I'm soooooo sorry to hear of your loss :-( . It's hard right now but eventually you will be able to think of your aunt and your cat and smile through the tears. Remember all the good times you had with them both...nothing can ever take those from you.

<<<<big cyber hug>>>>

Awww, I'm so sorry to hear about your cat. I too know what it is like since I have lost about 3 or so. Twice it was on purpose. All you can do is remember what they were like before. I know it's a tough time, but you'll be ok.
* hug* i how u feel pets are very special things and beeing hit by a car is a horibble way to die *hug* hope u feel better soon..... *hug* if u need more hugs just let me know.
*HUGS* I am sorry to hear about your kitty. :sad: There are TOO many people out there that just don't have enough respect for other living creatures to hit the brakes....I actually got in a fight in high school with a kid who intentionally tried to run over a cat....made me sick. :grr:
I'm just lovin' all the hugs, keep 'em comin :wub: .
I would be be pretty upset too FM, I would've opened up a BIG can of woop @$$ on that person. I remember when i was in elementary i saw this limping dog come towards me on the playground. I instantly ran to it and began crying. So being the bold little 12yr old that i was i called my mom(from a strangers house) to come pick me and this dog up and to take us to the vet. So my mom aggreed(since i already asked about 5 houses around if it was their dog) and missed some school but me and my mom are such animal lovers that it was worth it. Luckily the dog wasn't unjured, it was previous arethritis.
Well we still have 2 more family cats and our dog Shadow(which i named who will be hardest to leave behind when the day comes).
I'm so sorry to hear that snowyangel! :-( I'm sure Tigger had a long and happy life and many fond memories with you.

:rip: Tigger
Hi Laura ((hugs))

We only have them for such a short time, but boy they manage to fill those years with so much love, purrs, special memories. It hurts so much when we lose them, they ask so little, yet give so much......but they stay with us. They're a part of us forever, they leave their footprints on our souls.

When I remember my furry friends, if I shut my eyes I can see their faces, hear their purrs........and I smile at all the good memories, the love we shared. Think about Tigger when he was a kitten and remember all those special moments you shared.

Love and ((((((hugs))))))


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