
You could keep Softies (zoos, palys, xenia, leathers, gsp, etc) easily and if you have them at the top of the rock stack (10" or less of water), could probably get away with some tentacled LPS (hammer, frogspawn, torch, galaxea, bubble)
Thanks alot i really only wanted softies anyway, but im glad i have the option for different kinds.
I was going to get a reef rack or something like that anyway

Thank you once again
What tank are you putting it on as you can get n arcadia overtank luminare for a bit more money that that and that gives you 4x t5`s I have one on my rio 180.
On a 4' tank, im gonna get the 120cm one, do you have a link?
A single metal halide kit will not do the job, since they only cover a 2' square very well. You'd need two ;).

TBH, I'd either go with a 2 tube setup, or spend the cash for a 4. Just my oppinion though.

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