Lights And Algea


New Member
Aug 1, 2006
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currently i have 180 gallon tank downstairs in my basement it is the only thank in the house that does not have algea in it, and is in a room where it cannot get direct sunlight, so my ? is whats out there for light bulbs that can closely resemble sunlight maybe to stimulate some plant or algea growth
There are plenty of lights that will stimulate plant growth (check the planted forum section) :nod:
Why would you want to stimulate algae growth???? :crazy:
I spend most of my time tying to get rid of algae!!!!! :sad:
i simply have not algea in my tank whatsoever, and i like as close to natural habitat settings as possible, i guess its all what someone likes there tank to look like. and my pleco doesnt really eat algea wafers, so looking for a natural source of food for him.
just starting up a freshwater tank after years of marine keeping, so my information could be completley incorrect, so please tell me if so, but if you are wanting to get algae to grow they require lighting of a particular kelvin i think it's something like 9,000 thus if you install a bulb for example a marine white tube the light is bright enough to more closely resemble bright tropical daylight and thus the algae should begin to grow much more rapidly...... but as i say i know nothing about tropicals so am probably wrong :/


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