

Fish Crazy
Apr 24, 2010
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I have a tank with 2 x T8 18w tubes with a capacity of 120L and currently attempting to grow a few plants in. The plants are mainly low light varients such as annubia nanas, java fern etc.

The tank is in a low light area of the kitchen and doesnt get a great deal of natural illuminution. Being totally new to the whole plants and light situation im not sure how long, if at all, I should have the lights on for the plants.

Does low light mean no additional light requirements? Should I keep it on for 8 hours to ensure that they get a decent amount. To be honest, I dont have a clue?
I think this is one of those things you need to narrow down for yourself.Aquarium plants need a minimum of 4 hours light for photosynthesis and i wouldn't run lights for more than 12 hours. So i would start at 8 and if your plants seem like they need more light increase it and if your getting algea problems decrease it. Anubias nana will grow in shady areas so it's possible that the ambient light from the kitchen may be enough but personally i wouldn't go below 4 hours.
With low light plants you should be able to get decent growth with about 8 hours a day of the light you have in that tank. You are about at what we think of as 1 WPG of light so low light plants should thrive as long as the photoperiod is long enough. The 8 hours is simply a starting point. If you have great growth but lots of algae, reduce the time. If your plants do not prosper, you may need to lengthen the time. We all need to experiment with our light timers to ge a photoperiod that gives us decent growth without encouraging algae growth.

Some of the planted tank specialists will probably be along to tell you that a perfect combination of artificial fertilizer will promote plant growth without algae, but I have never managed that combination myself. I settle for good growth with minimal algae and simply clean the algae that I get.

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