
Yet, the average length of life for these anemones is apparently 1-3 years. For beginners with T-12 lighting.

There is your answer right there.

The average lifespan of a anenome is basically unknown. Putting disease and predation aside we can assume that an anenome could reach hundreds of years perhaps even longer!

So if people are saying that these anenome can be sucessfully kept under these types of lights for up to 3 years only underlines their lack of understanding of these creatures. What it basically tellls me is that the anenome is not sucessfully kept for 3 years but its acutally slowly dieing a death as its being slowly starved of the all important energy it needs.

Thanks :good:

... But is there any that might do well under my lights?

Aiptasia :lol:

Only Joking

Just remember that Lighting is only one major concideration when buying a nem, you need (IMO) a mayure & stabile system & an understanding of these animals - Hence the reason why I dont own a nem, as I is thick :lol:

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