Lighting, Skimmer and Filtration


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Apr 23, 2005
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I am looking for a new globe that will promote my coral growth.
I am on a tight budjet till late next month so anything better than what i have will do. For the time being i have a 48" and a 30" reflector. But if i really need that much more extra light i have a 18". Could some kindly pick out a good lighting system for my tanks with the availible globes. Late next month i will be upgrading to Halides!! but till them i need help!
Thank you!
MUST i have blue antics? i would be more than happy to get one, but do i really need to?

Also, Do i have to keep my protein skimmer in my tank? Will it get to a point where i wont need it? its an external one and my hood wont fit on it now. Any chance i could give it the flick?
thanks guys.

Is there such thing as to much current? i have a very strong current in my tank and i am not sure if it is to much. I have 1 powerhead and a filter. My filter does a 1200 l/h and my other is doing around 600 l/h (that can change up to 1200).
Do i have to much? it just seems like theres abit to much current in there, my fish dont find it hard to swim, but my corals look like they are getting knocked for six. I changed it round today tho, and the corals dont look like they are getting pounded ne more. But the question still remains, is there "to much current".
what size (Dimensions) tank U got
In my opinion you dont have near enought flow in your tank a 270l tank (IMO) should be turned over about 25x (I personally prefer a higher figure than that, but this would be my min.) so you should be looking to up your flow to about 6750lph (at the mo you turn you tank volume over only 7x (1800lph), which will be detremantal to all you livestock & you Liverock, which requires what to pass over it to feed the microbacteria that colonize it, dont worry about the fish they will be fine swimming in this flow (Mine is even higher) and if your corals are getting blown about try moving the powerhead or facing it in a different direction

You will also need (IMO) to run your skimmer 24/7 as you will need some way to export the proteins that are left behind from uneaten food and wate from your livestock, and in a marine system the best way (IMO) is Skimming, so Yes you will need you skimmer on all the time

What type of lighting you running at the mo and what types of corals you got or hoping to get, if you are upgarding to halides soon why not just wait, if the corals are doing OK at the mo than why double buy

:D :D
Because my corals arnt doing to good.
Thats why i want to upgrade right now.
The stuff in the site isnt outa my budjet
What type of corals you got, It could be the lack of flow that is affecting them and not the lighting level

Forgot about the Blue Actinic lights, I personally do run 2 blue & 3 white in my tank at all go off in staggered intervals, the blue being the last, this means that all my livestock can acclimitise to the darkness

What are you feeding your corals
I have a torch, elegance (elegant), a soft coral (thats all it was called :huh: ) and a zoo colony.

All other corals are fine cept my elegance and that is my fav! its not going very well so i was thinking more lighting, i put it up on rocks where it was close to the surface and it was going good again, but then the current slowly pushed it down. I figured it just need some more lighting.

Could you just tell me what would be the best 48" globe to use of that site would be? I just need a globe thats gonna do the sunlight i need for my corals.
Elegance Corals don’t really need intense lighting (IMO) I am still thinking it could be a flow issue, they do also require some supplements added to the water & I would feed every 1 – 2 Days
I know your trying to help, but i am getting a new globe...
So could you help me out with that?
on the web site which would be best.
If I was adding 1 more buld to my tank to promote coral growth then the one that your link takes you to would be my choice, but I dont see it making any difference TBH, your softies are fine in that lighting and I dont think it is a lighting issue, althought saying that apart from cash, there is no harm in adding more power, also the Elegance coral will look even better when the actinics are on themselves they really do florece well.

I would defo look at your flow issue as it defo need upgraded, and also the Elegance being a SPS Coral may need supplements (calcium, strontium & other trace elements that may not be found in your tank in the values needed)
Thanks man, i have put 2400 l/h atm, i will add more later tomorrow.

I need more lighting either way, a marine tank just isnt right with just flourecent globes.
Please can you let me know what light would be best?
I used to use Intrepet Power Compact, quite small, powerful and very cheap, & they are available in both the UK & US

T5 Power Compacts
If the elegance is stressed then adding more light might put it into shock. These corals do not need strong lighting and i would say that you are adequate at the moment. I also read that you are getting halides within a month so why add more expense? I would save the money on purchasing a new tube and get more flow instead, then get the haldies at the end of the month. Also... Remember that halides are very very powerful.. you will have to adjust the corals very slowly to this light or you will run the risk of losing them all ot light shock.
Sorry guys.
The measurment for my tank is 48" 18" 14"
I dont think it is anywhere near 270L I dont know where that figure came from.
I think its about 190L

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