Lighting Levels


Fish Gatherer
Jun 3, 2005
Reaction score
Tunbridge Wells
how restrictive would 2x150w halides over a 24" deep 48" tank be?

i'm assuming i'd be ok with harder corals at the top of the tank with softer corals further down

how desperate is it that i spend the extra money on a 2x250w unit?
2 x 150w should be ample for most things, the fact that your using MH lighting will be a huge benefit, alot of people (me included) only use T5 lighting, I think you would be wise to bring harder stuff to the surface with softies at the bottom, but dont forget you will have to acclimatise hardies to the lighting.
Agree with above, no restriction at all. In my experience a 150 watt metal halide can cover about 2' x 2' x 2' effectively. IF the 250 watt is not too much more, you may want that as it would appear high lghting levels cause many corals to colour up as they create pigments to shield themselves from high ligh, at least that's what I have been led to believe.
Yup, a 150 can cover a 2'x2'x2' area very well. Lynden is spot-on in saying that the 250s will cause corals to color-up more. What kind of corals do you intend to keep?
Not decided as of yet, currently have pocillopora, lpss and softies under PCs. Ideally I'd like to keep a couple of Acros and Montis in the new tank eventually.
Well, if you stick to easier acros, they'll stay colored up well (green slimer, millepora, pocillipora, monti caps, and stylophora) you won't have color problems. Other smaller-polyped acropora might have trouble staying colored up under mere 150s. Do remember that when keeping hard corals, flow is almoast as important if not more important than lighting.


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