Lighting Help Quick Please!


New Member
Nov 21, 2008
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I have a planted aquariuma and planning on putting in more plants. I have a 29 gallon take with a lighting that came with it which is 30watt fluorescent light. I'm trying to get a better lighting system. I understand it's good to have 3 wpg and 5000k-10000k for aquatic plants.

I have some options and could experience plant aquarists tell me which one is best and why?
Click each one for detail and please remember these are in Canadian Dollars!

Coralife 30" Aqualight- 2 X 65 Watt Power Compact Straight Pin

Coralife Freshwater Aqualight-30" Double Strip

Current USA Orbit 30" 2 x 65 Watt Power Compact Strip Light W/2 Lunar Lights

Current USA Satellite Dual 30" 2x65 Watt Power Compact Strip Light W/Lunar Light

Do you just put these lights on top of the part plastic top I have?
The one each of you recommend could you tell me how long it lasts and if I can change the light bulbs easily (easy and cheap to buy and easy to physically replace)?

Thank you very much in advance for all your help and input!!
I understand it's good to have 3 wpg and 5000k-10000k for aquatic plants

No, it just means you will be able to grow species quicker, and the more demanding ones. Kelvin rating doesnt matter, just choose a bulb that looks good to the human eye

<4000k - pink
4000k - 8000k - green
8000 - 10 000 - white
10 000+ blue.

The above is just a general guide.

Also once you go above 2WPG, you then need to start injecting CO2, preferably pressurized - otherwise you will end up wih an algae field.

Think of the above first then ask any questions if you still want to go ahead.
Is getting CO2 a must? and if I'm getting 2wpg or better then i'll get more algae therefore I should get CO2? what if I get algae eaters like plecos or SAE? So are you recommending that I get a lower light?
once you get above 2wpg, the higher light drives the plants to take up more nutrients & CO2. Algae eaters are not always going to clear every type of algae, and some can damage plants. I would stick with lower light within the region of 1.5 - 1.9wpg of T8
Are the light with wpg 1.5-2.0 good enough to keep all the tropical plants healthy? I'm not trying to create Amazon jungle here. I just want healthy plants for my fish. Most websites say 3.0+ is a must for healthy plants but then how reliable are what they say anyway?
Are the light with wpg 1.5-2.0 good enough to keep all the tropical plants healthy? I'm not trying to create Amazon jungle here. I just want healthy plants for my fish. Most websites say 3.0+ is a must for healthy plants but then how reliable are what they say anyway?

1.5-2 is plenty for growing healthy plants, you just have to choose the correct species like

cryptocoryne sp
anubias sp
echindorous sp
moss sp
bolbitis sp
moss ballas
marsilea sp
microsorum sp

There is loads, here is a tank with 1wpg:

Also take a look at some of llj's (see her sig) -
Are the light with wpg 1.5-2.0 good enough to keep all the tropical plants healthy? I'm not trying to create Amazon jungle here. I just want healthy plants for my fish. Most websites say 3.0+ is a must for healthy plants but then how reliable are what they say anyway?

You are on the wrong sites if they all say >3WPG is a must. This was never even the case in the olden days of T12!!!!

Basically the lights you have are sufficient (with reflectors of course) to grow and keep healthy most of the common plants available.

If you want to get into fast growing plants and carpeting then you need to get up to 2WPG.

3WPG of T8 will grow anything and fast which is ideal for someone who wants to grow their 'scape' fast and then move onto the next 'scape'.

For someone who just wants to grow plants, keep them healthy and it be a natural permanent fixture then 1WPG of T8 is fine.

CO2 is definately needed over 2WPG of T8 and I would suggest at 1WPG T5HO!!!!

So its your choice. What is your aim? Is it to grow plants in your tank or is it to move from scape to scape?

I have hornwort, anubias, amazon sword, crypt wendtii, java fern and getting camboba, foxtail, baby dwarf tear (carpeting plant), flame moss and more. Now I guess wpg2 is just perfect because I do have a carpeting plant on the way. Even tho my tank will be relatively heavily planted, I'm not really strongly into aquascaping yet. I just want realistic healthy environment for my fish. I got fluorite already and all I really need is the better lighting for the plants. Right now I have 29 gal with 20 watt fluorescent bulb and something tells me that's not good enough. My hornwort is turning more brown and brown so....
Although it can be done with 0.6WPG (Thepic in the left of my signature) the story has changed since your original post ;)

You originally said you had 30W and 29USG and now it is 20W???? Which one is it :roll:

to cut to the chase you can go with 0.6WPG and have success but not carpetting. The plant oyu have bought I would gues is HC from the 'common' name you give and this plant require high light and CO2 to carpet as do most carpet plants.

You need to make a decision on what you want now in that if you stay as you are then the carpet plant will grow and healthily but will not carpet. It will reach up from the substrate just as other plants do and therefore your carpet will be 10-15cm tall. It may also be susceptible to algae without CO2!!!

To get to a level to carpet with HC/Glosso you would have to get CO2 and get into the 2WPG+ bracket.


All the lights you link to are far too much IMO and definately require pressurised CO2. 130W over 30W = 4.25WPG!!! Add to this that they are T5 PC tubes then you can basically say that due to their efficiency over the old T12 lights that the WPG rule was calculated on that you would be at an equivalent level to 6WPG maybe a little more!!!!

What you really should look for if you want to carpet is something that is approx 60W total of T8 (less if T5 PC, and much less if T5 linear) Add to this either Flourish Excel for Carbon (This method would get expensive over time) or save up for pressurised!!!

Could well be a struggle to find them though because your side of the atlantic has been obsessed with more and more light for a long time and it shows in what is available from the retailers!!!

Im confused. I should get 60w of linear light? what is linear light? I read it wrong, I thought it was 30 but it's actually 20 watt bulb I have right now.

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