Lighting For An Aquarium


Fish Crazy
Mar 23, 2007
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Hi, i am going to make a planted 20 gallon long tank with an amazonian biotope.

i went to petsmart today and i bought a perfecto-hood and a nutrafin c02 canister. My question is about the lighting. The tube bulb that came with the hood is only 20 watts but i want to have 2 watts per gallon. I looked at the other bulbs but they were all 20watts for the 24 inch long tubes. I really wanted to buy those light strip thingies (the name was like T5HO or something) but its too expensive for me since i am only a teenager. Does anyone know a place that sells a 24" long light tube that has a wattage of 40? even 30 will be good.

You may need to consider two tubes or look at the power compact light options. Typically these would both need modifications to your hood and new starters etc aswell.

1wpg is enough to grow most plants, but most will grow slower and perhaps a bit less dense/lush.
thanks for the reply ^^

well i think i will be able to modify it since i dont know how xD

the plants i want are water wisteria, spiral vallisneria, scarlet temple, tiger lotus, and maybe java moss. I dont really remember the scientific names right now and i dont have time to look it up because i have to go to sleep soon o.o

and i got my playsand today. I tested it by pouring it in a bottle and adding water. The water looked clear so i poured the whole bunch into the 20 gallon tank and filled it 3/4 way. It was clear, then i rememberd i had to mix it. It went downhill from there xD. Millions of tiny bubbles started foaming out and then all this filthy stuff is now floating in the water. I dont know if its the silver sand just floating but i dont think so because i dont have any circulation yet and its been like 15 mins and its still there. I guess i will just have to use the tank as the pail to wash the sand in. hooray for water changes D:

silly me >.>

edit: also, does anyone know how much c02 a nutratin c02 system will give off in a 20 gallon tank if i follow the instructions and after i use the three packs, the DIY one?
The plants you want to use all need moderate or low lighting. It shouldn't be a problem growing them with the light you have, but as said, you will get slower growth. Can also be an advantage as you won't have to prune the water wisteria that often..... :hyper:
yeah xD
i love how water wisteria looks but i hear it grows like a weed.

Ugh though, the sand isnt clearing at all. Imma try to run a filter through it. Do you think carbon would help xD
yeah xD
Ugh though, the sand isnt clearing at all. Imma try to run a filter through it. Do you think carbon would help xD

When i set my tank up i used play sand, i washed it 5 times bucket by bucket before putting it in the aquaruim. Even then it took 3-4 weeks before the water cleared. that was with the filter on, but no fish :crazy:
People here have advised to put a hose into the bucket with sand. Then open the water tap, and let the water run until it gets clear. The sand in the bucket will get washed with little effort this way, but you are wasting a lot of water!

If you have a chance, take the water out with a vac cleaner, and rinse it until the water gets clear.
hm, wouldnt the sand get blown around and just fall out though?

also, i have a well (my dad and i built it) so i think we have enough water :p
but i think well water is rather hard with many metals in it, do you think that will effect the sand in anyway?

Edit: also, does the product "Cycle" work as a way to help with the fishless cycle? And now that im talking about products, how about the nutrafin thingie that came with the c02 system? does that work? it was free and i can give the ingrediants if need. One more thing, about excel, i read that you should dose the tank with the correct amount every day or every other day. Is this too much? i heard that that product works really well but i dont want to get into EI dosing and all.

It should sand is inert as far as I know and should'nt react with anything.
oh ok. I will do that tomorrow.

this is what i plan to do:
take a 5 gallon bucket
fill it about 1/5 way with sand.
use well water to just let it flow in there
wait and let the water overflow by itself *and hopefully the sand will not go out*
pour the clean sand in a bucket

rinse and repeat^^
oh ok. I will do that tomorrow.

this is what i plan to do:
take a 5 gallon bucket
fill it about 1/5 way with sand.
use well water to just let it flow in there
wait and let the water overflow by itself *and hopefully the sand will not go out*
pour the clean sand in a bucket

rinse and repeat^^

Yep - stir the sand with your hand a bit, you will not lose much if any by doing this and it will really get rid of the majority of the dust from the sand which would stop your water getting as cloudy when you fill the tank for the first time.

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