Lighting For 20 Gallon Long


Fish Fanatic
Jul 26, 2005
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Buffalo, NY, USA
So I'm starting a nano-reef. I'm a n00b to SW but have multiple healthy FW tanks currently, including a 10G, so I have experience with small tanks.

I'm looking to set up a 10G or 20G Long nano-reef. My main lighting question is for the 20L.

I have no interest in SPS coral, clams, LPS, any of that. I'd be more than happy with soft corals that will thrive in low to moderate light.

So my question is, how much light is enough? I'm more than familiar with the WPG rules for FW tanks, but I know SW are a different beast for lighting. I'm looking at a Satellite 1x65W CF fixture. Will this be adaquate for a 20G Long without SPS coral?

Also, if I went with the 10G instead, would the 1x40W Satellite be enough?
WPG doesnt work in saltwater just as much as it doesnt work in freshwater (aka not at all).

Anyway, PC lights would work for you, or T5s. I'd go with T5's retrofitted into a canopy with individual reflectors, that way you can start out with a few, and if you ever wanted more corals, just add a few more bulbs and reflectors.
It'll work for the most basic soft corals, zoanthids, and corallimorphs (mushrooms) but im still more of a linear T5 fan than a compact T5 fan.
well there never is a definite answer, what do you want to keep in there, what do you plan on keeping in there, is the reflector just a sheet of metal bent at the edges or are they fulls of little bends and things to reflect the light onto the water etc.
Well I just went with a 10G due to space issues, and went with a 65W PC fixture.

I'm hoping to keep Zoanthids, Mushrooms, leathers. Nothing too fancy.
hmm, to tell you the truth, im more of a more light the better, and im not a fan of fluorescent lights anyway, id go with a 70 watt halide. A lot more light than the PC, around the same amount of energy used (maybe 10-15 watts more).

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