Light Output Required


Fish Fanatic
May 13, 2012
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just curious on best lighting for plants
tank is aprox 19" high.
plants in tank are:

java fern
java moss

want to add a amazon sword and few crypts also

lighting i have currently came with tank a 24" T8 17watt aquafloral bulb
Will that be enough light?
have lights on 10hours a day

any suggestions will help, I'm a big boy critisize me if need be :crazy:
Your current lighting is fine, might want to knock it down to 8 hours if you encounter any algae issues.
The plants you have aren't very demanding. Cut the light time down and make sure any swords don't overshadow anything
:dunno: I read :book: in few posts positive/negative comments about using tinfoil in light as a reflector to increase output brightness of the bulb.
My question is it worth it to add tinfoil and does it really increase light in the tank? :unsure:
Yes it works, but a piece of white thin plastic with a concaved shape would be better.
Actually the chances of designing an ideal shape with aluminum, aluminium in the UK, foil is poor. Since you cannot expect to reach that ideal shape, simple white paint inside your light fixture is almost as good and is less likely to cause problems.

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