Life span ?

Well thats like saying whats the average lifespan of mamals from warm climates, each species is different from the others and all live to different ages.

But if i were forced to put afigure to it i would say probably 8 to 10 years.
Thanks cfc for that , seen that i havent had tropical fish before i wouldent know how long they live.

Yes every living thing has there own life span thats why i asked the question about the life span of a tropical fish in the first place :grr:
Angel03 said:
Yes every living thing has there own life span thats why i asked the question about the life span of a tropical fish in the first place :grr:
what cfc meant is that there are so many different types of tropical fish that you can't pinpoint the average life of all of them in one go. :thumbs:

some live for 2 years, some live for 15 ;)
Yes i have had loads die on me since i started it up 2 months ago well to be exact i started it up on the 20th september this year and have had 13 fish die up to now :/ must be doing somthing wrong.
i'm sorry to hear that. :sad: i had trouble when i started up my tropical tank too.

did you cycle it first? and what fish did/do you have in? how long since the last death? what size tank is it? if you tell us that, then we'll try to help you sort out your problems :)
Yes i did cycle it , and the lastest deaths was yesterday , a male guppie a dalmation molly and a baby guppie and i have 2 swordtails that don't look to good either , i cheaked the PH that seems fine and did a 25% water change , the swordtails seemed to have perked up a little since the water change but dont think it will last long tho :(
i don't know what is wrong in your tank, but maybe someone else will be able to help :/

i could never keep guppies alive, although people told me they were easy - i lost 10 in all, before i got some different fish which were fine. -_-
If the fish perked up when you did a water change, it should tell you that something ongoing is wrong with the water. Check your ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels. If you set up your tank in September it most probably hasn't fully cycled and that's what's killing your fish. Don't despair - post the results of your tests and we'll take it from there.
any chance it could be lack of oxygen in the water???

just a thought
I was told that when the fish spend a lot of time at the top of the tank this is when there is lack of oxygen in the water , only a few do this but only spend a few minuites then swim away so i think the oxygen is fine :)

I did a nitrite test and that was fine also , the temreture is 80 this isnt to hot is it ? :(
80 is a bit hot, but most tetra's and that type of fish can survive happily in that. My tank ranges from 76 - 82 depending on the actual temperature of where I live (!) and all my fish are fine.

What media do you have in your filter? Is the filter working properly? Are you adding any chemical treatments? All changes need to be made gradually - you're not dumping a load of anything in there at once are you?
Hi Angel03,

Give us your tank details and water parameters and we'll be in a better position to help. i.e Tank size, filter type, substrate/decor etc. Ammonia, Nitrite, pH, Hardness.

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